Currently dbmail preforks, where each child maintains a separate
database connection. The number of preforks is mostly determined by the
database backend, and how many connections it will allow.

This won't scale too well because each incoming connection will use up a
database connection, even if no database interaction is actually
required (idle imap connects).

I'm therefor working on a different setup:

dynamically preforked server, with descriptor passing.

The idea is that a single master process listens for incoming
connections, and reads the commands for all connected clients. Once a
command is read, the client socket and the command string are passed to
an idle child in the process pool, receiving back the socket from the
child after it is done with the command.

In such a setup, preforked children are always busy handling commands,
where the master process handles incoming connections. This would allow
us to keep the number of preforked children lower, while being able to
handle a *lot* more clients.

This is all still very much in a prototyping stage. Passing file
descriptors (sockets) to preforked children is kind of tricky, or well
I'm new at it anyway. I wouldn't have guessed it was possible hadn't Geo
hinted at it, or I found an explanation in W. Richard Stevens': Unix
Network Programming; vol 1.

gopalakrishnan kamalanathan wrote:
> Hi,
> Does DBMail maintains a pool of database connection and use that or does
> it make a new connection for each session?
> If it has a pool of connections what is the maximum number of
> connections that is maintains?
> Thanks.
> Krishna
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  Paul Stevens                                      paul at
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