alphanumerics won't solve anything here.

We are still in a 32-bit headroom. Changing the visual represenatation
from base-10 to base-64 won't make any difference.

Bloody hell, come to think of it: bigints don't fit in a 32bit space
either. Time to rethink...

Kevin Baker wrote:
> <snip>
>>I'm interested in the sorts of server-id's we can start
>>configuring for.
>>Strictly numerical? Why not alpha-numeric? What would the
>>implications be
>>of compressing the numeric time into an alpha-numeric
>>field, using either
>>base-32 or base-64 in terms of the ascending nature of the
>>id numbers, and
>>which of the fields are required to be numeric by the IMAP
> It would probably be ok to have alpha characters so long
> as when listed they maintain sequence properly. Below RFC.
> The advantage would be that alpha allows for 36 unique
> characters position (26alpha, 10 numeric) while numeric
> only allows for 10. With this in mind it would be great to
> have a two character position open for server id as it
> would allow for much larger server clusters with unique
> server id's.
>        Unique Identifier (UID) Message Attribute
>   RFC Unique-id Requirements Summary
>    - 32-bit value (not necessarily number)
>    - must be uniquie across all messages in mailbox
>    - strictly ascending not necessarily contiquous
>>You're way awesome for tackling this problem! I'd help
>>more, but I'm still
>>totally swamped in work :-\
> Yes thanks again.... Let me know if I can help in any way,
> even if it is just research. It was actually kind fun to
> "decode" that giant RFC ;)
> Kevin Baker
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