On Mon, 2005-05-30 at 20:11 +0000, Aaron Stone wrote:
> DBMail 2.0.x currently inserts a message with ownership set to an internal
> user, then performs the delivery resolution and uid generation, and copies
> the message over to any user scheduled to receive it.
> In a clustered setting, we add one more part to the behind-the-scenes
> phase: getting a token from the cluster. Once the machine has the token,
> it can generate uid's for all of the messages it has queued, pass off the
> token to the next machine, and then deliver all of messages.

Kind of, yeah.

> Each machine would thus queue incoming messages which were otherwise ready
> for delivery, wait for the token, then deliver them.

Sort-of. I don't suggest dbmail should implement the queue itself, but
write it to the DB with an activation state field:

1. write the message - state=0
2. wait for token - generate uid, state -> 1
3. wait for token to prove validity, state -> 2 (now visible)

> Database replication would be handled by the database, and would be
> lockless multimaster because we have already done the work of guaranteeing
> that uid's won't conflict.


> As you mention, however, the APPEND command would also have to be
> rewritten to wait for a token. Is that a problem from a user interactivity
> perspective? I figure it might sometimes take more than a few seconds to
> receive a token. Will this cause a problem if the OK response is delayed
> until a token is received?

The client can get an OK- the message just won't be visible yet. RFC2060
doesn't say that a message APPENDed has to be visible to a resulting
SEARCH/FETCH immediately :)

However I suspect clients are foolish here, so it might be wise to take
an APPEND- set a flag, and if a SEARCH occurs on that mailbox with any
state<2 (when APPEND was done recently!) that it block while state <2 in
the box.

> Also, for the token algorithm, is there a mechanism to ask for the token?
> In order to prevent token-storming, each machine holds the token until it
> either 1) processes a queue of messages or 2) waits for a timeout. If you
> don't have a timeout, then you have tokens flying about eating up all
> bandwidth and doing nothing. But if there's a machine on the other side of
> the cluster that has a messages, but the token is several seconds away on
> the other side of the cluster, perhaps it should be requested for with a
> packet that flies full speed backwards, telling each machine that it
> should pass the token forwards ASAP. Right?

That's why the token-passing algorithm has a regenerate-token operation
built-in. You can simply attempt to regenerate the token every time you
"want" the token. If a machine still has the token, it'll stop it :)

Now that timeout should only be a couple (max: 5) seconds.

[[ if this doesn't clear it up, let me know. suffice it to say, a group
message "i need the token" is not a good idea for many reasons and the
regeneration protocol should be used instead. ]]

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