A BUGNOTE has been added to this bug.
Reported By:                maXXmaster
Assigned To:                aaron
Project:                    DBMail
Bug ID:                     57
Category:                   PIPE delivery (dbmail-smtp)
Reproducibility:            N/A
Severity:                   feature
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     acknowledged
Date Submitted:             23-Jul-04 23:37 CEST
Last Modified:              17-Aug-05 23:19 CEST
Summary:                    direct mailforwarding with [EMAIL PROTECTED]
it doesn't seem that there is a way to store "special" mails like spam to a
different folder than INBOX when pipeing the message to dbmail-smtp. i'm
not sure if it is an imap-standard, but many imapservers allow you to send
a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

is there a way to realise that?

 danweber - 24-Jul-04 03:38 CEST 
Yes we need this feature added so we can start using tmda with exim too.

 aaron - 24-Jul-04 17:05 CEST 
There's a command line option to specify an alternate mailbox along with
the destination address:

dbmail -m mailbox {-t [headerfield] | -d [emailaddress]}

If there's a way to make this work with Exim, it would be much easier to
document such a method rather than adding new support for the
username+mailbox syntax.

 maXXmaster - 25-Jul-04 20:40 CEST 
i actually wanted to use it with amavis-new which is able to append an
foldername after the mailadress (incase of spam or viruses).. i'll
probably have to find a way to make it work with the -m mailboxname

let's see ;o)

edited on: 25-Jul-04 20:40

 aaron - 25-Jul-04 20:44 CEST 
Ok, keep us posted. Interfacing with other parts of the mail system is,
quite naturally, a high priority :-)

Is there a published standard advocating for this hack, btw? Some de facto
rule book that we can follow if it turns out to be necessary to support
this syntax?

 maXXmaster - 25-Jul-04 22:56 CEST 
well, not really,.. at least i couldn't find one within the last hour. my
(probably) working solution is to use the following chain:

postfix (:25) -> amavis-new (:10024) -> postfix#2 (:10025) -> procmail (->
script which does the conversion from [EMAIL PROTECTED] to the dbmail-smtp
syntax you mentioned) -> dbmail

maybe i can write more about the necessary configurations tomorrow.

 maXXmaster - 26-Jul-04 11:52 CEST 
i tried some things and came up with quite a good solution.

i use a small (php)script insted of the dbmail-smtp program in postfix
(inside master.cf) to extract the +folder from the emailaddress and pipe
it to dbmail-smtp. the only problem is, that dbmail-smtp cannot add
messages to a special mailbox, if i want to forward them to an
emailaddress. it just works with direct usernames (user -u markus vs -d

so either i ask the dbmail-database which useralias i should use for
special mailaddresses (that is exactly what dbmail-smtp should actually
do), or some of you guys add a few lines to make dbmail-smtp work with
mailboxes AND emailaddresses or to make it work with [EMAIL PROTECTED]

any suggestions? =)

edited on: 26-Jul-04 11:52

 maXXmaster - 26-Jul-04 13:00 CEST 
> Is there a published standard advocating for this hack, btw? 
> Some de facto rule book that we can follow if it turns out 
> to be necessary to support this syntax? 

yes, there is. i found an rfc which "specifies" the [EMAIL PROTECTED]
it can be found here:


i hope that is enough information to the syntax ;o)

 aaron - 26-Jul-04 16:15 CEST 
Thanks for the RFC link, I'll look into it. Indicentally, there's no
difference between -u username and -d address. The address lookup checks
usernames first... I'll start a thread on dbmail-dev about whether or not
we should keep both options as synonyms, or make them different again.

 maXXmaster - 26-Jul-04 16:49 CEST 
are these two options really the same? hmm, maybe in version 2.* but in
1.2.9 (which i am using) they are different. at least i get a message
telling me to use -u username and not -d address if i want to store
directly to a mailbox.

 aaron - 26-Jul-04 18:15 CEST 
That's correct, they were merged at a fairly deep level in the new delivery
chain. My thinking was twofold (and in fact, this should probably go into
an FAQ or RATIONALE file someplace)...

- It seems odd to have to add an alias to your own username in order to
support domain-local delivery without expansion, as is common when you use
"mail" on the command line.

- It seems really odd to have to add an alias to your own username when
your username is a full email address, as is common for folks running
multiple separate email domains from a single server.

 aaron - 26-Jul-04 18:22 CEST 
So basically, here's my take on this so far:

- [EMAIL PROTECTED] is a common and accepted format that we should

It is possible that some people will not want to use such an expansion,
while many other would, and, therefore:

- we need another command line option to handle this syntax. 

Because -u and -d have been merged at a very deep level in the delivery
chain, it would make sense then to use -d to support this syntax and -u to
not support this syntax. The changes can be made at a very high level,
merely by adding a check for anything bounded by "+" and "@", removing
that portion of the address and assigning it to be the mailbox

- as a significant UI mechanism, this would need to be added before 2.0

 maXXmaster - 26-Jul-04 21:47 CEST 
sounds good to me ;o)

a small sidenote:
i couldn'n find a good howto about settingup
dbmail+amavis-new(+spamassassin+clamav)+postfix so if there are more
people interested in that, i could try writing one.

 aaron - 27-Jul-04 10:24 CEST 
Check out the latest CVS and let me know if it is working as you would

 aaron - 27-Jul-04 10:28 CEST 
Oh, and I might mention that this is the 2.0 CVS. If you're running 1.2.x
you will have to use a script as a helper and you may be out of luck on
the mail folder thing.

 maXXmaster - 01-Aug-04 09:42 CEST 
so the mailfolder stuff will just work in 2.x ? =( as dbmail is working on
a small production-server i want(ed) to use the stable 1.2.x version. so
i'll probably have to use my helper-script ...

 ilja - 04-Aug-04 16:26 CEST 
So, does it all work like it should? If so, we can close this bug :)

 aaron - 05-Aug-04 07:56 CEST 
Just ran it through its paces, and it works as expected. Neat new feature!
Now if Mr. maXXmaster would like to write README.amavisnew...

 maXXmaster - 05-Aug-04 22:34 CEST 
it is possible to create unlimited folders by sending messages to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] that is not really good, in case of mailbombs.
wouldn't it be better to store mails in the inbox if the folder doesn't

 aaron - 06-Aug-04 01:29 CEST 
Good point, and one that isn't handled with the little-m and big-M
options... medium-Mm for providing a mailbox in case the one specified
does not exist.

It may actually be a really big problem that someone could specify a
mailbox from outside of your mail system. This syntax is something that
DBMail needs to understand from upstream (amavis, exim) but which needs to
be filtered from the outside world (perhaps by exim or postfix before
initial delivery).

Creating mailboxes on the fly was a feature that I added to simply adding
users and to enable users to be authenticated from LDAP without requiring
additional steps to enable each user in DBMail. However, now we have a
situation where the mailbox can be specified by an external sender.
Probably a very bad thing.

 ilja - 06-Aug-04 10:28 CEST 
Can't we change this easily?

We can still let the db_find_create_mailbox() function create the mailbox,
but only when its name is "INBOX".

The change to db_find_create_mailbox() is easily made. Just add a 

if (strcmp(name, "INBOX") == 0) 

to the function and set mailbox_idnr to 0 is it fails.

There are three places in the sources where db_find_create_mailbox() is
One is in db.c, in db_insert_message(). This use does not have to be
changed, because the value of mailbox_idnr is checked later on.

There are two places in sort/sort.c where the function is used. These will
have to be changed. 

Aaron, sort/sort.c is your code, do you want to take a shot at this?


 aaron - 06-Aug-04 18:03 CEST 
I'm not a big fan of an INBOX-only solution; I'd much rather be able to
ensure that +mailbox addresses cannot arrive from across the network. The
question I have now is if there's a difference between:

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -> Postfix -> Amavis -> DBMail ([EMAIL PROTECTED], into
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -> Postfix -> Amavis (+box) -> DBMail ([EMAIL PROTECTED], 

DBMail most likely would have no way to cleanly separate the two
situations, so either we have to limit what DBMail can do (INBOX only,
ugh) or make sure that somebody is disallowing incoming messages of this
format (either Postfix or Amavis, if there's a way to have them strip out
the +box detail).

 maXXmaster - 07-Aug-04 07:14 CEST 
i tried finding config-examples (at least for postix) to switch-off "plus
detail" ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) but couldn't find anything. maybe it'S just too
early, but i think it would be a good setting for the config-file! 

.) to enable all +folder
.) just to allow storing to existing folders (otherwise INBOX) 
.) or to disable it at all.

would that work for you?

 aaron - 08-Aug-04 06:59 CEST 
This is pretty much an intractable problem right now. There only easy
solution is to find a way to trash the +folder part immediately from the
outside SMTP server. 

The other three solutions are:
- comment out the code and put this off until later.
- provide a mechanism to specify a default mailbox to use in case the
provided one does not exist (the default mailbox would be created if not
found, to prevent the corner case of a nonexistant INBOX, for example).
- disable auto mailbox creation altogether, except a hardcoded INBOX.

A few months ago, I started to write code for the second situation,
apparently with a very good insight that we'd want auto mailbox creation
be option in some cases -- that code requires a number of deep changes.
I'm confident that they could be debugged within the coming 2.0rc8, but
I'd rather not have that pressure.

Disabling auto mailbox creation altogether isn't a very good option
because we do need it for LDAP users or perhaps if the user somehow
deletes their own INBOX folder entry. Hardcoding an INBOX exception
strikes me as quite ugly.

Even if we did disable this address syntax, someone who wants to work with
TMDA or Amavis-new would have to write a script that used the dbmail-smtp
-m "mailbox" option, which is vulnerable to exactly the same attack. So it
would be the mail admin hanging themself instead of DBMail doing it for

So that leaves us with one good option and one crumby one:
- figure out how to filter this at the MTA.
- go for more new code.


 maXXmaster - 08-Aug-04 13:17 CEST 
it really seems to be a tricky problem. as a wrote before. i couldn't find
a way to tell postfix to strip-off the +folder part (still i believe there
is a way). nevertheless i think it is a good start to be able to work with
amavis the way you implemented it now. (as long as 1.2.9 is the officially
stable version it won't be a problem to leave it the way it is right now)
if there might be a better solution in rc9 i welcome it.

 aaron - 12-Aug-04 11:58 CEST 
Changing the status to acknowledged, which is what we're using for things
that may be considered for a future release. In the mean time, Ilja is
going to pull this out of the pre-2.0 tree because making it work
correctly will be far too painful at this time.

 danweber - 25-Aug-04 17:43 CEST 
If you are using exim, you can create a modified userforward router and a
filter rules set to implement this.  I have done so in the following.

  debug_print = "R: userforward for [EMAIL PROTECTED]"
  driver = redirect
  domains = +local_domains
  local_part_suffix = +*
  user = mail
  file = /var/local/sieve/${local_part}.${domain}
  directory_transport = address_directory
  file_transport = address_file
  pipe_transport = address_pipe
  reply_transport = address_reply
  syntax_errors_to = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  syntax_errors_text = \
    This is an automatically generated message. An error has\n\
    been found in your .forward file. Details of the error are\n\
    reported below. While this error persists, you will receive\n\
    a copy of this message for every message that is addressed\n\
    to you. If your .forward file is a filter file, or if it is\n\
    a non-filter file containing no valid forwarding addresses,\n\
    a copy of each incoming message will be put in your normal\n\
    mailbox. If a non-filter file contains at least one valid\n\
    forwarding address, forwarding to the valid addresses will\n\
    happen, and those will be the only deliveries that occur.

and for the filter set
if $local_part_suffix: begins "+"
        pipe "/usr/sbin/dbmail-smtp -u <place user here> -m               

 niblettda - 06-Dec-04 15:13 CET 
I've created a patch for DBMail-2.0.1 that does this.  I'm not quite sure
why this was such confusion.  My understanding of how this feature should
work is:

MTA accepts  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (MTA should not care)
MTA passes to LDA (DBMail).
LDA is responsible to verify that Folder exists.
If folder exists, deliver to that folder.
If folder does not exist, check allowed create list.
If folder not on allowed create list, deliver message to INBOX.

The reason I wrote this patch is that I too wanted to use Amavisd-new
with SpamAssassin.  I did find that I also had to hack/patch Amavis
to add the folder extension at the tag2 level not just the kill level.
I'll be offering that patch to Amavisd-new as well.

If anyone is interested in my patches or help in setting up Postfix +
Amavisd-new + SpamAssassin + PostgreSQL + DBMail I'll offer what I can.

I should mention that at this time my patch is only for dbmail-lmtpd.  I
do intend to add it to dbmail-smtpd as well.

I can be contacted by niblettda at gru.com

edited on: 06-Dec-04 15:11

edited on: 06-Dec-04 15:13

 aaron - 07-Dec-04 01:14 CET 
Please do post your patches! Thanks for taking the time to figure out how
to hack this in, I'm interested in your approach (although the next
paragraph probably slams it) and if you have a mechanism that is safe
against "mailbox spam".

We tried doing it as a mid-level hack, and it was a mess. Your hack sounds
like it's at a top-level (dbmail-lmtpd or dbmail-smtp), which might work
well but is probably bad from an architecture point of view. I have a fix
in mind for getting the right information down into
db_find_create_mailbox, which is the function that really needs to know
(and indeed takes a flag exactly for this purpose) -- just that there's
one layer above it, insert_message, that hides the mailbox complexity but
for this feature needs to share it.

 niblettda - 07-Dec-04 19:32 CET 

I uploaded the patch.  I wasn't sure on the policy on things like that.

Here is the basic run down on what I did.

1) Added "remove_folder()" function to misc.c.  It's basically the
of "find_bounded()".  This was needed so that in lmtp.c I could strip out
the folder before the name was checked.

2) In lmtp.c I added the remove_folder after the find_bounded for the
RCPT <name>.

3) I added a find_bounded with '+', '@' to give me the folder name.  This
could probably be more efficient, but I didn't want to deal with
memory and freeing it correctly.  I then add the folder to the
dsn.mailbox of the current address.  This seemed like the best place to
add that IMHO.

4) The 1st of the big hacks is in sort.c where I added an else statement
the if (mailbox == NULL).  What I did was do a call to db_findmailbox to
see if the mailbox exists.  From that point I compare the requested
to a list (in this case SPAM) which are allowed auto-create boxes.

5) Second massive hack is that I made a change in the db.c function so
the POSIX matching to deal with case sensitivity issues.

Things that I need to work on and I am working on, are:

1) I need to figure out how to specify in the config file, a list of
auto-create mailboxes.  I'm not sure how I'll be able to do that.  First
stab will be a simple space delimited list, and a strcmp like I do now.
This could be better, but until I understand the ReadConfig features
it will have to do.

2) I'd like a better way to deal with the case sensitivity issues with
database.  For example, I name my spam box "Spam", but amavis delivers it
(by choice) as "SPAM".  I don't want a new box created for me, nor do I
it should be.  Once I can sort that out it should remove the need to
the db.c file.

3) I need to fix the portion in sort.c since I just found a bug. :)  If I
don't find the mailbox I need to make sure it's set to INBOX.  Oops.

4) Create a README for the patch.

As for your thought about putting the changes in find_create_mailbox, I
disagree with your approach.  I very much so think this should be a top
level change.  I can certainly see a seperate function that maybe does
this, and my v2 of the patch will probably do just that.  To me, there is
no point to reopen everything at the mid-level when all the information
present at the top level.  It was very easy to access the mailbox,
and dsn struct, so why not use that to your advantage.  Plus at the top
is the only place you should ever need to care about username+folder. 
all needs to be decided before you deliver the message.  After that point
it's all up to IMAP and the user.

The problem with why I had to edit sort.c is that I was having a really
time getting ahold of the useridnr at that point in lmtp.c.  Really all I
needed was the useridnr so that I could use the db_findmailbox function. 
there is a better way to see if the mailbox exists for the username
then this entire thing should be able to be consolidated down to one
If I understood how that struct part worked and received I'd be much

Obviously I don't completely understand the code as well as you all, so
may be other reasons for your choices.  I'd be happy to work with you on
any way you like, since this is a business requirement for me.

I haven't done C in years so feel free to tighten/correct any code that I
It took me nearly a day to remember what a pointer really was. :)


edited on: 07-Dec-04 19:32

 niblettda - 21-Dec-04 15:29 CET 
I have created a new patch that works better than my first.  Please use

In this patch I no longer edited the sort/sort.c file and was able to
all my major changes in misc.c.  There I have created a function that
if the user's folder exists, or can be created.

Also in this version I've added an option in dbmail.conf where you can
what folders can be created by DBMail (Spam, Trash, Xyz, etc).  If the
folder doesn't exist or is in the create list, the Email will be
to the INBOX.

I hope later this week to have SMTPD working the same way.

 Wolfram - 03-Feb-05 19:01 CET 
What comes to my mind here is using dbmail_acl for controlling mail
This is afaics the purpose of the *post* right in RFC 2086 (IMAP4 ACL
So if the "anyone" user has post_flag set to 1 in dbmail_acl for a mailbox
(other than INBOX), mail should be taken - otherwise put the mail into

just my 2c

 niblettda - 18-May-05 16:46 CEST 
I have updated my patch for DBMail v2.0.4.  Nothing major changed, there
was a simple rename of the my_free() function to dm_free() function.

I have added the new patch to the attached files.

In reference to Wolfram's comment about dbmail_acl I will admit that I
fully understand that is going on with that table.  If I understand the
correctly, you can set the post_flag to 1 a folder will always be

While this does sound like a more reasonable place to reference for
creation, I still agree with aaron.  With this set to 1 you could folder
bomb an account and just create tons of folders.  For this reason I think
you still need to specify exactly WHAT folders can be created, that don't
already exist.

 niblettda - 20-May-05 18:35 CEST 
Here is v0.2 of my patch.  Please see the README.folders for update on
everything that I've changed.

The biggest concern is a couple of possible memory leaks fixed.  I
wouldn't be too concerned unless someone tried to add a huge folder name.

I've also removed the SQL portion that was apparently PostgreSQL specific
(Thanks Paul).  I'm checking the folder name by regex now and resetting
the folder name to what is already in the database.  (Thanks Wolfram)

Lastly, I'm not sure what I was thinking before.  There is no need for me
to work on an SMTP portion since that already has a command line option to
insert into a mailbox.

If one of the developers can look at something for me I would appreciate
it.  I think that if I have to create the mailbox that it should
automatically get subscribed to the user.  I can't really find where the
box gets created and how I would go about subscribing the user.


edited on: 20-May-05 18:35

 Wolfram - 20-May-05 22:51 CEST 
nibletta wrote:
> In reference to Wolfram's comment about dbmail_acl I will admit that I
> fully understand that is going on with that table. If I understand the
> correctly, you can set the post_flag to 1 a folder will always be

Nope, my understanding of RFC 2086 is like this:

1) you should *never* autocreate any folder upon mailing to 
  <address>+<foldername>@<domain>.<tld>, because a user may not even see
  mail if he's not subscribed to that folder/mailbox in

2) an <address>+<foldername>@<domain>.<tld> should be taken:
  a) from any sender if the 'anyone' user has post_flag set to 1 in
     for exactly that folder/mailbox
  b) from the given sender (needs to have a valid uid on the same server)
     this user has the post_flag set to 1 in dbmail_acl for exactly that 

3) all other mails should be delivered to the INBOX (discarding the 
  +<foldername>) or - in a more restrictive environment - bounce with some

  "no such mailbox/user message "

Is this the time to put some use cases in the wiki? 8-)

So if you want to add spam filtering:

1. Write a little SQL script/trigger that autocreates a spam folder upon
user creation (I think limiting this to the top-level hierachy of the
users mailboxes should be sufficient (no need to regex)).

2. Insert the anyone userid with post_flag=1 to dbmail_acl for this
spam-mailbox (you may also get sophisticated here and create a user for
spamasassin with these rights)

3. Insert this mailbox to the users dbmail_subscriptions, so no mail gets

edited on: 20-May-05 22:51

 aaron - 20-May-05 23:52 CEST 
Yes, we do need use cases and a behaviour flowchart on the wiki!

I think what this boils down to is that the *source* of a mailbox
specification is not passed all the way down to the mailbox delivery and
possible creation functions. That needs to happen because:

 - mail addressed to [EMAIL PROTECTED] should be respected If And Only
If the mailbox already exists and has proper permissions.
 - all mail addressed to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or mail addressed to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] for which the specified mailbox is not available,
should be delivered to the INBOX, and the INBOX must be created if it does
not exist.
 - mail coming through dbmail-smtp -m mailbox should always cause the
creation of the specified mailbox (this is current behaviour, I believe)
-- if someone writes a script that parses out the "+mailbox" from an
address and calls dbmail-smtp -m mailbox should already be aware of the
mailbox-bomb risk.

Any other use cases, or errors in mine?

Ok, let's get that into the Wiki, evaluate how the patch behaves with
respect to the behaviour pattern, and we can move forward with it :-)

 niblettda - 23-May-05 14:02 CEST 
I think my patch is mostly compliant with what you are saying.  (I still
don't completely get the ACL and anyone user, but I'm working on that.)

The only difference is that my "ACL" specification happens in the
file rather than the ACL table.

I agree with Aaron, and understand what he was saying about where folder
creation should happen, however that doesn't exist at this time, so I
with what I had.  Right now I set the folder when the LMTP RCPT line is
processed, which still seems logical to me.

I expected that RFC wouldn't allow creation of the box unless it exists. 
also think that it would be best to create the "deliverable" boxes when
user is created.  Maybe it would be better for me to modify the
code and create everything in the CREATE_FOLDERS list and have LMTP only
accept delivery for boxes that exist.

This could certainly help with one problem in that I can't figure out how
subscribe the user to the mailbox when it's created.  Right now, I
if the box needs to be created, and add that to the dsn_user structure. 
can't subscribe the user to the box because the box and Email don't exist

I'll take my direction from the developers because that's who is going to
to deal with the legacy if it ever gets added to the code.

 niblettda - 02-Aug-05 22:04 CEST 
Latest folder creation patch.  Found some errors that may have caused
problems in certain conditions.

Most major change is that if the folder is created, the user is
subscribed to it.  This may be a point of contention, but I don't like the
of making folders for users since they may never see them if they don't
get subscribed.

Since this entire patch is geared around adding a SPAM folder, this seems
fairly logical to me.

edited on: 02-Aug-05 22:04

 niblettda - 02-Aug-05 22:20 CEST 
Released v0.5 of the patch mainly because I forgot to update the README.
There are no code changes in the patch between v0.4 and 0.5.

 paul - 09-Aug-05 15:41 CEST 

I've been looking at your latest patch.

I see two problems: one minor, one major:
1. in sort/sort.c you're doing something like 
  if (mailbox != "INBOX")
  that don't compute in C. Use strncasecmp here please.

2. valid_folder(const char *userid, char *folder)

the first argument is supposed to be a userid, but in lmtp.c you're
passing a destination address, instead of a userid. the
remove_folder/valid_folder logic should be handled *after*
dsnuser_resolve, and then for each valid entry in the dsnuser.userids

Perhaps valid_folder should look like

  valid_folder(const deliver_to_user_t *dsnusers, char *folder)

and create the new folder (if necessary and allowed) for each of the

 niblettda - 17-Aug-05 23:19 CEST 
Updated patch to v2.0.5 of DBMail.  Several minor changes made to fix some
problems found by Paul.

Greatly simplified the determination if the folder is valid or not for a

One outstanding bug that cannot be fixed without some signifigant
to dbmail code.  If delivery is to an alias, that delivers to more than
mailbox, as long as one of the users has the folder, then ALL users will
get delivered to that folder, or a folder created for them.

This cannot be fixed unless there is major changes to the dsnuser
in the code.  As this patch is really intended to solve
folder delivery, it's assumed that this bug is ok, since the folder that
would be created is a Spam folder.

Bug History
Date Modified  Username       Field                    Change              
23-Jul-04 23:37maXXmaster     New Bug                                      
24-Jul-04 03:38danweber       Bugnote Added: 0000110                       
24-Jul-04 03:38danweber       Priority                 normal => high      
24-Jul-04 03:38danweber       Status                   new => confirmed    
24-Jul-04 17:05aaron          Bugnote Added: 0000111                       
25-Jul-04 20:40maXXmaster     Bugnote Added: 0000112                       
25-Jul-04 20:40maXXmaster     Bugnote Edited: 0000112                      
25-Jul-04 20:44aaron          Bugnote Added: 0000113                       
25-Jul-04 22:56maXXmaster     Bugnote Added: 0000114                       
26-Jul-04 11:51maXXmaster     Bugnote Added: 0000115                       
26-Jul-04 11:52maXXmaster     Bugnote Edited: 0000115                      
26-Jul-04 13:00maXXmaster     Bugnote Added: 0000116                       
26-Jul-04 16:15aaron          Bugnote Added: 0000117                       
26-Jul-04 16:49maXXmaster     Bugnote Added: 0000118                       
26-Jul-04 18:15aaron          Bugnote Added: 0000119                       
26-Jul-04 18:22aaron          Bugnote Added: 0000120                       
26-Jul-04 21:47maXXmaster     Bugnote Added: 0000121                       
27-Jul-04 10:24aaron          Bugnote Added: 0000122                       
27-Jul-04 10:28aaron          Bugnote Added: 0000123                       
01-Aug-04 09:42maXXmaster     Bugnote Added: 0000127                       
04-Aug-04 16:26ilja           Bugnote Added: 0000138                       
05-Aug-04 07:56aaron          Bugnote Added: 0000144                       
05-Aug-04 07:56aaron          Assigned To               => aaron           
05-Aug-04 07:56aaron          Resolution               open => fixed       
05-Aug-04 07:56aaron          Status                   confirmed => resolved
05-Aug-04 16:00ilja           Status                   resolved => closed  
05-Aug-04 22:34maXXmaster     Bugnote Added: 0000150                       
05-Aug-04 22:34maXXmaster     Resolution               fixed => reopened   
05-Aug-04 22:34maXXmaster     Status                   closed => feedback  
06-Aug-04 01:29aaron          Bugnote Added: 0000151                       
06-Aug-04 10:28ilja           Bugnote Added: 0000152                       
06-Aug-04 10:29ilja           Bug Monitored: ilja                          
06-Aug-04 18:03aaron          Bugnote Added: 0000153                       
07-Aug-04 07:14maXXmaster     Bugnote Added: 0000154                       
08-Aug-04 06:59aaron          Bugnote Added: 0000155                       
08-Aug-04 13:17maXXmaster     Bugnote Added: 0000156                       
12-Aug-04 11:58aaron          Bugnote Added: 0000157                       
12-Aug-04 11:58aaron          Status                   feedback => acknowledged
19-Aug-04 11:39ilja           Priority                 high => normal      
25-Aug-04 17:43danweber       Bugnote Added: 0000206                       
06-Dec-04 15:10niblettda      Bugnote Added: 0000424                       
06-Dec-04 15:10niblettda      Bug Monitored: niblettda                     
06-Dec-04 15:11niblettda      Bugnote Edited: 0000424                      
06-Dec-04 15:13niblettda      Bugnote Edited: 0000424                      
07-Dec-04 01:14aaron          Bugnote Added: 0000427                       
07-Dec-04 19:05niblettda      File Added: dbmail-spam.patch                    
07-Dec-04 19:30niblettda      Bugnote Added: 0000432                       
07-Dec-04 19:32niblettda      Bugnote Edited: 0000432                      
21-Dec-04 15:16niblettda      File Added: dbmail-folders.patch                  
21-Dec-04 15:29niblettda      Bugnote Added: 0000457                       
03-Feb-05 19:01Wolfram        Bugnote Added: 0000576                       
18-May-05 16:46niblettda      Bugnote Added: 0000704                       
18-May-05 16:46niblettda      File Added: dbmail-2.0.4-folders.patch            
20-May-05 18:33niblettda      Bugnote Added: 0000708                       
20-May-05 18:34niblettda      File Added: dbmail-2.0.4_0.2-folders.patch        
20-May-05 18:35niblettda      Bugnote Edited: 0000708                      
20-May-05 22:29Wolfram        Bugnote Added: 0000709                       
20-May-05 22:51Wolfram        Bugnote Edited: 0000709                      
20-May-05 23:52aaron          Bugnote Added: 0000710                       
23-May-05 14:02niblettda      Bugnote Added: 0000711                       
02-Aug-05 22:02niblettda      File Added: dbmail-2.0.4_0.4-folders.patch        
02-Aug-05 22:03niblettda      Bugnote Added: 0000795                       
02-Aug-05 22:04niblettda      Bugnote Edited: 0000795                      
02-Aug-05 22:19niblettda      File Added: dbmail-2.0.4_0.5-folders.patch        
02-Aug-05 22:20niblettda      Bugnote Added: 0000796                       
09-Aug-05 15:41paul           Bugnote Added: 0000814                       
17-Aug-05 23:16niblettda      File Added: dbmail-2.0.5_0.6-folders.patch        
17-Aug-05 23:19niblettda      Bugnote Added: 0000837                       

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