A BUGNOTE has been added to this bug.
Reported By:                ezaton
Assigned To:                
Project:                    DBMail
Bug ID:                     250
Category:                   IMAP daemon
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   minor
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     new
Date Submitted:             18-Aug-05 01:08 CEST
Last Modified:              19-Aug-05 04:22 CEST
Summary:                    DB failure when trying to subscribe to an imap 
Reproducable with both SquirrelMail and Mozilla-Thunderbird, both using the
same mailbox.
The DB was migrated from 1.x, long time ago. When trying to subscribe, the
following error message is shown on the server:

Aug 18 01:56:11 rafael dbmail/imap4d[32142]: _ic_login(): user (id:1, name
ezaton) tries login
Aug 18 01:56:11 rafael dbmail/imap4d[32142]: _ic_login(): user (id 1, name
ezaton) login accepted @ 2005-08-18 01:56:11
Aug 18 01:56:11 rafael dbmail/imap4d[32142]: dbmysql.c,db_query: query
[INSERT INTO dbmail_subscription (user_id, mailbox_id) VALUES ('1', '41')]
Aug 18 01:56:11 rafael dbmail/imap4d[32142]: dbmysql.c,db_query:
mysql_real_query failed: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key
constraint fails
Aug 18 01:56:11 rafael dbmail/imap4d[32142]: db.c,db_subscribe: could not
insert subscription
Aug 18 01:56:11 rafael dbmail/imap4d[32142]: imap4.c,IMAPClientHandler:
command return with error [subscribe]
Aug 18 01:56:11 rafael dbmail/imap4d[32142]: IMAPClientHandler(): Closing
connection for client from IP [] 

Trace Level 2 on dbmail-imapd

The client disconnects and reports imap error. 

This problem (although I've never tried to submit a bug here before) is
reproducable on all dbmail 2.0.x

 ilja - 18-Aug-05 10:25 CEST 
Can you show a log with log level 5? That would give us some more

 ezaton - 19-Aug-05 04:22 CEST 
Both errors when trying to subscribe to a folder (the first case, the name
is W2L, the 2nd case is to a folder called layer7).
Note: If not using subscription (Thunderbird support accessing folders
without subscribing), everything's work just fine. It's just the act of
subscribing which fails.

Bug History
Date Modified  Username       Field                    Change              
18-Aug-05 01:08ezaton         New Bug                                      
18-Aug-05 10:25ilja           Bugnote Added: 0000843                       
19-Aug-05 04:19ezaton         File Added: dbmail-error1.txt                    
19-Aug-05 04:20ezaton         File Added: dbmail-error2.txt                    
19-Aug-05 04:22ezaton         Bugnote Added: 0000844                       

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