On Sun, 2005-11-06 at 14:28 -0800, K C wrote:
> I've replaced this kind of unique indexes with just normal
> (physmessage_id) if there is no other index can index physmessage_id.
> This is to make sure physmessage_id can use index.  But unique index
> on (physmessage_id, id) is unnecessary here.

People search for physmessage_id- which isn't unique. Knowing that when
it's with an id, it's also unique, this means database engines don't
need a second index for PRIMARY.

If your database engine blindly creates and maintains implicit indexes
that are going to contain the same data as another index, consider
dropping the PRIMARY one- that's the superfluous one.

Unfortunately, when we do that, we lose the ability to search on id
quickly because many database engines treat UNIQUE(p,q) as UNIQUE(p||q)
which, as long as we have "p", we can still use this index without "q" -
hence the reason it's UNIQUE(physmessage_id,id) and not

If you don't believe it, load a dbmail installation with 20G of data.
Should be easy- steal from mailing lists. Then do a data-only dump of
your favorite database server, and start playing with the data
structures. Most RDBMS come with an execution-planner that can be used
to speed profiling, but a stopwatch and an email client will do fine.

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