I managed to forget to add the replycache table to my database, so the
query failed the first time. The second time, the query didn't just
fail, it was ignored. This continues even for queries to tables that
exist, until the end of the process.

So basically, we need to clear the error after handling it. *Goes
looking for the PostgreSQL manual...*


dbpgsql.c, db_query: Error executing query [SELECT lastseen FROM
dbmail_replycache WHERE to_addr = '(null)' AND from_addr =
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' AND handle = 'f8d79fc201c6332436d455d4dd99199c' AND
lastseen > (NOW() - INTERVAL '2 DAY')] : [ERROR:  relation
"dbmail_replycache" does not exist

db.c,db_replycache_validate: query failed
dbpgsql.c, db_query: Error executing query [SELECT lastseen FROM
dbmail_replycache WHERE to_addr = '(null)' AND from_addr =
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' AND handle    = 'f8d79fc201c6332436d455d4dd99199c' ] :
[ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of
transaction block

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