> This isn't really an error just a warning message to developers about the
> fact that on the previous call to db_query they didn't free the result
> before calling db_query again. Aaron added my patch for memory leaks and
> in it was this sort of catch all check as I was seeing a lot of query's
> that wern't being freeded as the default db_query stores all result's even
> if it isn't really needed..etc. I will let Aaron comment on the sieve
> stuff.
> -leif

OK, but after nearly 10-15 operations from smartsieve web interface I get:

$ top -b -n 1 | grep timsieve
  PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND            
28847 nobody    25   0  5164 1388  932 R 72.4  0.2   1:44.10 dbmail-timsieve
28842 root      16   0  4852 1108  800 S  0.0  0.1   0:00.00 dbmail-timsieve
28843 nobody    16   0  5076 1476 1052 S  0.0  0.2   0:00.02 dbmail-timsieve
28845 nobody    15   0  5076 1252  824 S  0.0  0.2   0:00.08 dbmail-timsieve

and up to 95% of cpu
And then:

$ kill 28842
MainSigHandler(): got signal [15]
pool.c,manage_stop_children: General stop requested. Killing children..
serverchild.c,active_child_sig_handler: got signal [Terminated]
serverchild.c,active_child_sig_handler: setting stop request
serverchild.c,PerformChildTask: accept failed
serverchild.c,PerformChildTask: stop requested
pool.c,child_reg_disconnected: [28845]
serverchild.c,disconnect_all: database connection still open, closing
pool.c,child_unregister: child [28845] unregistered
serverchild.c,active_child_sig_handler: got signal [Terminated]
serverchild.c,active_child_sig_handler: setting stop request
pool.c,manage_stop_children: not all children terminated at SIGTERM, killing 
hard now
main(): server done, exit.
main(): server has exited, exit status [0]
main(): exit

What happens with dbmail-timsieved ?

Oleg Lapshin

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