On Sat, 2006-02-25 at 00:14 +0300, Oleg Lapshin wrote:
> > > It segfaults. I'm on it.
> >
> > Bug in libSieve. I've been waiting a little before I put out another
> > libSieve release. Oleg, would you be comfortable pulling libSieve from
> > CVS? Same question for anybody else testing out Sieve -- I can save the
> > trouble of lots of libSieve releases if you pull from CVS.
> Yes, of couse.
> But I tried to downloadn cvs version from
> cvs -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/libsieve
> and it isn't up to date ;(
> Where can I get current version?

Sorry, there was another fix that needed to go in. Try again now.


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