Matthew T. O'Connor wrote:
Aaron Stone wrote:
We don't look there yet. In {db|auth|sort}module.c, the search paths are
hardcoded as:
Adding PREFIX and PREFIX/lib would definitely be a good idea! I'll take
a look at how to get the PREFIX path into the config.h.

I think that is a good idea, however let me add 2 more cents.

I reran the make install as root and now it works. I guess the make install script does an ldconfig command that doesn't work when run as my user dbmail, but does work when run as user root. So please add those two directories as you mentioned, but the problems isn't quite as bad as I had thought.

I think I was wrong, their must have been some environment variable set or something and that is the reason it was working. I logged out and back in again and now all the dbmail commands are bombing out with the same error again:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/local/dbmail/sbin/dbmail-util -by
Opening connection to database...
dbmodule.c,db_load_driver: cannot load cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


So Aaron, I hope you can submit that patch soon.

BTW, I would think there is a way to manually add /usr/local/dbmail/lib/ to the or something so that dbmail programs can find those libraries. Anyone know the right magic?



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