Paul J Stevens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb: 
>install debhelper and devscripts
>then, inside the dbmail directory, run 'debuild'
>that's it.
>Of course all build-deps have to be met. Since building a full package
>requires libsieve which isn't part of debian yet, you'll have to build
>the libsieve packages as well (probably). I have debian packages ready
>for download at in the unstable repo.

I succeeded! It was a little bit tricky, because i tried to compile under
ubuntu. But it worked. You need to make sure, that you use at least automake
1.7. And debhelper => 5.0.22 is also not available for ubuntu. But it
compiled with out any problems using the -d parameter.

I just installed also your provided libsieve package. Do you have also a
source package available for libsieve?

Lars Kneschke
Metaways Infosystems GmbH
Pickhuben 4
20457 Hamburg

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