> > I have no problems with dbmail for a long time :)
> > It was error in _my_  database.
> >
> > If you did some improvements - this is good for all!
> > Thanks.
> No, I broke it!
> Please makes sure that you can select mailboxes on the latest SVN. The
> lower(name) was broken code and the mailbox column should be binary. I
> think I fixed it with a new regexp match.

Yes, I can read nearly all my mail
I have ~20 folders, nearly 8500 mails, 
I have sieve script, running on all incoming mail and moving mails into 
different folders.

"Suggenly" I lost mail from SENT folder for 2006 year, don't know why
(or I can't see it in kmail)

But I run Thunderbird and it gives me some errors...
It lost connection to dbmail-imap several times.

> The issue is that a mailbox name has *mixed* case sensitivity:
> Peace/&BekF3AXVBd0-
> ^^^^^  ^^^^^^^^^^^
>  \      \_ case sensitive
>   \_ not case sensitive

Not only this.

I have folder sent-mail
When I try to subscribe to it I get:

COMMAND: [1216 SUBSCRIBE "sent-mail"]
arg[0]: 'sent-mail'
imap4.c,IMAPClientHandler: Executing command subscribe...
db.c,db_findmailbox: looking for mailbox with FQN [sent-mail].
dbmysql.c,db_query: query [SELECT mailbox_idnr FROM dbmail_mailboxes WHERE 
BINARY name REGEXP '[sS][eE][nN][tT]-mail' AND owner_idnr='2']
db.c,db_acl_has_right: checking ACL [lookup_flag] for user [2] on mailbox [50]
dbmysql.c,db_query: query [SELECT owner_idnr FROM dbmail_mailboxes WHERE 
mailbox_idnr = '50']
db.c, db_acl_has_right: mailbox [50] is owned by user [2], is that also [2]?
db.c, db_acl_has_right: mailbox [50] is owned by user [2], giving all rights
dbmysql.c,db_query: query [SELECT * FROM dbmail_subscription WHERE mailbox_id 
= '50' AND user_id = '2']
db.c,db_subscribe: already subscribed to mailbox [50]
RESPONSE: [1216 OK SUBSCRIBE completed
imap4.c,IMAPClientHandler: Finished command subscribe [0]

but I don't see this folder in kmail.

Shall try to do some tests.

Oleg Lapshin

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