Replied to the previous post, but from my work address, oops. It appears to be caught in the typical DBMail list lag. Anyway, what I said was:

I'm a big fan of bound database parameters as well, aside from the already mentioned security and performance aspects, it just makes the code seem cleaner somehow. Do all three of the database back ends currently supported have parameter binding capabilities?

I've been feeling the urge to give back to DBMail lately, but my C is very rusty. However, I think that converting sprintf query building to parameter binding is within my abilities. I'll take a look after work, try and asses the feasibility and scope of changes necessary.

So, I guess I'll endeavor to be that champion.

Aaron Stone wrote:
On Thu, Jun 15, 2006, "Jim C. Nasby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

Is there some reason why bound parameters aren't being used? Aside from
the security aspect, they also provide a speed improvement.

It's a lot of work, and nobody has championed it. It could very well be
done during 2.3 development, just needs someone to get excited and code!

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