The following issue has been SUBMITTED. 
Reported By:                benjamin9999
Assigned To:                
Project:                    DBMail
Issue ID:                   373
Category:                   Database layer
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   tweak
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     new
Date Submitted:             27-Jun-06 22:05 CEST
Last Modified:              27-Jun-06 22:05 CEST
Summary:                    really slow header retrieval on pgsql, 100x speedup
now my users are filled with joy, and yours will be also.

db.c in 2.0.9, line 3967... the same statement is in the latest SVN for
2.0 tree

sorry for no diff, but it's a one-liner anyway.

  snprintf(query, DEF_QUERYSIZE,
     "SELECT messageblk "
     "FROM dbmail_messageblks blk, dbmail_messages msg "
     "WHERE blk.physmessage_id = msg.physmessage_id "
     "AND msg.message_idnr = '%llu' "
     "ORDER BY blk.messageblk_idnr ASC LIMIT 1", msg_idnr);
/*MR added LIMIT 1 - we are only getting the header, and therefore only
use one row anyway */

if we just want the header, why aren't we using the "is_header" flag which
has a better index ???

  snprintf(query, DEF_QUERYSIZE,
     "SELECT messageblk "
     "FROM dbmail_messageblks blk, dbmail_messages msg "
     "WHERE blk.physmessage_id = msg.physmessage_id "
     "AND msg.message_idnr = '%llu' "
     "AND blk.is_header = 1 ", msg_idnr );

mailbox-list operations (read, squirrelmail) up to 100x faster on my


Issue History 
Date Modified   Username       Field                    Change               
27-Jun-06 22:05 benjamin9999   New Issue                                    

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