The following issue has been set as RELATED TO issue 0000401. 
Reported By:                ryo
Assigned To:                paul
Project:                    DBMail
Issue ID:                   338
Category:                   General
Reproducibility:            sometimes
Severity:                   minor
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     resolved
Resolution:                 fixed
Fixed in Version:           2.1.8
Date Submitted:             02-May-06 07:20 CEST
Last Modified:              03-Sep-06 14:10 CEST
Summary:                    The header indication is broken in some MUA.
some MUA.
If the headervalue length is over 255 bytes, the data up to 255 bytes 
is stored to the variable and the rest of the data is cut off by
function in dbmail-message.c.

I think that is because the dbmail_headervalue.headervalue type in mysql
is VARCHAR(255).

But, sometimes the end of encoded mime header (used well in mutli-byte
mail) such as '?=' is lost. So, the header indication is broken in 
some MUA.

In PostgreSQL, it is not necessary to cut off the part of data which
exceeds 255 bytes because dbmail_headervalue.headervalue field type 
is TEXT.

For that reaseon, I made the patch only for PostgreSQL (please see 
the attached file).

Do you have any plan to change the dbmail_headervalue.headervalue type
from VARCHAR(255) to TEXT or MEDIUMTEXT in the future?

Relationships       ID      Summary
related to          0000401 invalid byte sequence for dbmail_header...

 paul - 02-May-06 23:06  
Your right. This needs fixing. I'll change the column type for headervalue
in the mysql create_tables file, and include an update/migration script.
Only the index will be truncated, not the actual column for the reason you
specified. The patch will be applied. 

 sayler - 03-May-06 19:21  
Does this mean that queries to return a specific header (as opposed to the
whole header section) will be truncated at 255chars on mysql? 

 paul - 05-May-06 20:31  
Truncation of headers in dbmail_headervalue during insertion has been
removed from the code, and a script was added in sql/mysql/ to fix the
table. Only mysql users need to run the alter table commands. 

 ryo - 26-Jul-06 05:04  
I think that this problem reoccur.
Please see the following patch.

--- dbmail-message.c.orig       2006-07-26 11:01:22.000000000 +0900
+++ dbmail-message.c    2006-07-26 11:03:02.000000000 +0900
@@ -939,7 +939,7 @@
        for (i=0; i<values->len;i++) {
                value = g_tuples_index(values,i,1);
-               safe_value = dm_strnesc(value,CACHE_WIDTH_VALUE);
+               safe_value = dm_stresc(value);
                g_string_printf(q,"INSERT INTO %sheadervalue
(headername_id, physmessage_id, headervalue) "
                                "VALUES (%llu,%llu,'%s')", DBPFX, id,
self->physid, safe_value);

 paul - 03-Sep-06 14:10  
You're correct Ryo. This was a regression. Fixed now. 

Issue History 
Date Modified   Username       Field                    Change               
02-May-06 07:20 ryo            New Issue                                    
02-May-06 07:20 ryo            File Added: dbmail-headervalue-noclean.patch     
02-May-06 23:06 paul           Note Added: 0001150                          
02-May-06 23:06 paul           Assigned To               => paul            
02-May-06 23:06 paul           Status                   new => assigned     
02-May-06 23:06 paul           Projection               none => tweak       
02-May-06 23:06 paul           ETA                      none => < 1 day     
03-May-06 19:21 sayler         Note Added: 0001151                          
05-May-06 20:31 paul           Note Added: 0001154                          
05-May-06 20:31 paul           Status                   assigned => resolved
05-May-06 20:31 paul           Resolution               open => fixed       
05-May-06 20:31 paul           Fixed in Version          => 2.1.6           
26-Jul-06 05:04 ryo            Status                   resolved => feedback
26-Jul-06 05:04 ryo            Resolution               fixed => reopened   
26-Jul-06 05:04 ryo            Note Added: 0001313                          
03-Sep-06 14:10 paul           Note Added: 0001387                          
03-Sep-06 14:10 paul           Status                   feedback => resolved
03-Sep-06 14:10 paul           Resolution               reopened => fixed   
03-Sep-06 14:10 paul           Fixed in Version         2.1.6 => 2.1.8      
03-Sep-06 14:32 paul           Relationship added       related to 0000401  

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