A NOTE has been added to this issue. 
Reported By:                lrosenman
Assigned To:                aaron
Project:                    DBMail
Issue ID:                   475
Category:                   Database layer
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   major
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     assigned
Date Submitted:             14-Dec-06 23:56 CET
Last Modified:              17-Jan-07 15:55 CET
Summary:                    Invalid timestamps generated to PostgreSQL backend
Random messages coming in via dbmail-smtp are failed going into a
PostgreSQL 8.1.5 (SQL_ASCII) Database. 


 lrosenman - 14-Dec-06 23:59  
Here's the DB log for the same message (First one):
$ grep 'pg-prod\[38071\]' /var/log/pg-prod.log
Dec 14 15:42:45 thebighonker pg-prod[38071]: [1-1] <[unknown]%[unknown]>
LOG:  connection received: host=localhost port=63419
Dec 14 15:42:45 thebighonker pg-prod[38071]: [2-1] <ler%dbmail> LOG: 
connection authorized: user=ler database=dbmail
Dec 14 15:42:45 thebighonker pg-prod[38071]: [3-1] <ler%dbmail> LOG: 
statement: SELECT 1=1 FROM dbmail_physmessage LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0
Dec 14 15:42:45 thebighonker pg-prod[38071]: [4-1] <ler%dbmail> LOG: 
duration: 6.107 ms
Dec 14 15:42:45 thebighonker pg-prod[38071]: [5-1] <ler%dbmail> LOG: 
statement: SELECT 1=1 FROM dbmail_headervalue LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0
Dec 14 15:42:45 thebighonker pg-prod[38071]: [6-1] <ler%dbmail> LOG: 
duration: 1.287 ms
Dec 14 15:42:45 thebighonker pg-prod[38071]: [7-1] <ler%dbmail> LOG: 
statement: SELECT 1=1 FROM dbmail_envelope LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0
Dec 14 15:42:45 thebighonker pg-prod[38071]: [8-1] <ler%dbmail> LOG: 
duration: 1.443 ms
Dec 14 15:42:45 thebighonker pg-prod[38071]: [9-1] <ler%dbmail> LOG: 
statement: SELECT deliver_to FROM dbmail_aliases WHERE lower(alias) =
lower('ler') AND lower(alias) <>
Dec 14 15:42:45 thebighonker pg-prod[38071]: [9-2]  lower(deliver_to)
Dec 14 15:42:45 thebighonker pg-prod[38071]: [10-1] <ler%dbmail> LOG: 
duration: 2.517 ms
Dec 14 15:42:45 thebighonker pg-prod[38071]: [11-1] <ler%dbmail> LOG: 
statement: SELECT user_idnr FROM dbmail_users WHERE lower(userid) =
Dec 14 15:42:45 thebighonker pg-prod[38071]: [12-1] <ler%dbmail> LOG: 
duration: 1.482 ms
Dec 14 15:42:45 thebighonker pg-prod[38071]: [13-1] <ler%dbmail> LOG: 
statement: BEGIN
Dec 14 15:42:45 thebighonker pg-prod[38071]: [14-1] <ler%dbmail> LOG: 
duration: 0.258 ms
Dec 14 15:42:45 thebighonker pg-prod[38071]: [15-1] <ler%dbmail> LOG: 
statement: SELECT user_idnr FROM dbmail_users WHERE lower(userid) =
lower('[EMAIL PROTECTED]@__')
Dec 14 15:42:45 thebighonker pg-prod[38071]: [16-1] <ler%dbmail> LOG: 
duration: 0.565 ms
Dec 14 15:42:45 thebighonker pg-prod[38071]: [17-1] <ler%dbmail> LOG: 
statement: SELECT mailbox_idnr FROM dbmail_mailboxes WHERE name ILIKE
'INBOX' AND owner_idnr=1
Dec 14 15:42:45 thebighonker pg-prod[38071]: [18-1] <ler%dbmail> LOG: 
duration: 1.737 ms
Dec 14 15:42:45 thebighonker pg-prod[38071]: [19-1] <ler%dbmail> LOG: 
statement: INSERT INTO dbmail_physmessage (messagesize, internal_date)
Dec 14 15:42:45 thebighonker pg-prod[38071]: [19-2] 
TO_TIMESTAMP('1166132546-05-07 15:42:45', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS'))
Dec 14 15:42:45 thebighonker pg-prod[38071]: [20-1] <ler%dbmail> ERROR: 
timestamp out of range
Dec 14 15:42:45 thebighonker pg-prod[38071]: [20-2] <ler%dbmail>
STATEMENT:  INSERT INTO dbmail_physmessage (messagesize, internal_date)
VALUES (0, TO_TIMESTAMP('1166132546-05-07
Dec 14 15:42:45 thebighonker pg-prod[38071]: [20-3]  15:42:45',
Dec 14 15:42:45 thebighonker pg-prod[38071]: [21-1] <ler%dbmail> LOG: 
statement: ROLLBACK
Dec 14 15:42:45 thebighonker pg-prod[38071]: [22-1] <ler%dbmail> LOG: 
duration: 0.174 ms
Dec 14 15:42:45 thebighonker pg-prod[38071]: [23-1] <ler%dbmail> LOG: 
disconnection: session time: 0:00:00.03 user=ler database=dbmail
host=localhost port=63419

I may be able to get the message from my MBX store if y'all feel it's


 lrosenman - 15-Dec-06 17:26  
I just attached a copy of the message that caused this, as it exists in my
MBX file (the first line is the MBX header for it, IIRC). 

 lrosenman - 15-Dec-06 17:28  
gmime version is 2.2.3.

Platform, more specifically, is FreeBSD/amd64 6.2-PRERELEASE.

the kernel/userland is from a day or 2 ago. 

It is running in 64-bit mode. 

 lrosenman - 15-Dec-06 17:39  
I can give shell access to the machine if that would be helpful, btw. 

 aaron - 15-Dec-06 17:50  
I have an AMD64 Xen box. I'll try to fire up a FreeBSD guest image today
and see what happens. 

 lrosenman - 15-Dec-06 18:32  
   While you are looking at this one, I saw a bunch of warnings out of the
code that might be worth looking at (wrong format's, etc).

   I used the DBMail from ports, and it installed the gmime, etc. 

 aaron - 15-Dec-06 19:17  
Please compile the timestring.c file I've uploaded and post the output.
Should be as simple as 'gcc -Wall timestring.c -o timestring' and then
Let me know if you have any complications. 

 lrosenman - 15-Dec-06 19:32  
$ gcc -Wall timestring.c -o timestring
timestring.c: In function `create_current_timestring':
timestring.c:20: warning: statement with no effect
$ ./timestring
2006-12-15 12:32:21

 aaron - 15-Dec-06 19:52  
Ok, let's try this one. 

 lrosenman - 15-Dec-06 19:57  
$ gcc -Wall -o timestring2 timestring2.c
timestring2.c: In function `create_current_timestring':
timestring2.c:35: warning: statement with no effect
$ ./timestring2
2006-12-15 12:57:23
TO_TIMESTAMP('2006-12-15 12:57:23', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS')

 lrosenman - 16-Dec-06 18:30  
Ok, I've found 2 things.

1) gmime 2.2.3 has a stray printf that causes exim to return the output:

--- gmime-utils.c.orig  Fri Jun 16 10:56:15 2006
+++ gmime-utils.c       Sat Dec 16 10:25:26 2006
@@ -646,7 +646,7 @@
                                        goto next;
                                } else if (!tm.tm_year) {
                                        if ((n = get_year (token->start, 
token->len)) != -1) {
-                                               printf ("2-digit year; ");
+                                               d(printf ("2-digit year; "));
                                                tm.tm_year = n - 1900;
                                        goto next;
2) Yahoo headers seem to trigger the timestamp issue.
    attached are the 2 queue file pieces of a message that RELIABLY
    the PGSQL timestamp issue.

I've attached a tarball with the queue files. 

What else do y'all need?

Thanks a ton for looking into it.


 aaron - 16-Dec-06 20:21  
I emailed this bug to Jeff Stedfast, GMime maintainer. 

 lrosenman - 16-Dec-06 22:23  
   Did you email just the printf thing, or the whole kit and kaboodle? 
(Just curious)...


 lrosenman - 16-Dec-06 23:17  
Interestingly, I did a search in my PostgreSQL log for TO_TIMESTAMP(' and
where the next 4 characters are NOT 2006:

Dec 16 15:46:13 thebighonker pg-prod[53701]: [19-1] <ler%dbmail> LOG: 
statement: INSERT INTO dbmail_physmessage (messagesize, internal_date)
VALUES (0, TO_TIMESTAMP('53045-12-16
Dec 16 15:49:37 thebighonker pg-prod[53805]: [19-1] <ler%dbmail> LOG: 
statement: INSERT INTO dbmail_physmessage (messagesize, internal_date)
VALUES (0, TO_TIMESTAMP('106429-12-16
Dec 16 15:51:36 thebighonker pg-prod[53885]: [19-1] <ler%dbmail> LOG: 
statement: INSERT INTO dbmail_physmessage (messagesize, internal_date)
VALUES (0, TO_TIMESTAMP('53046-12-16
Dec 16 15:54:25 thebighonker pg-prod[53980]: [19-1] <ler%dbmail> LOG: 
statement: INSERT INTO dbmail_physmessage (messagesize, internal_date)
VALUES (0, TO_TIMESTAMP('53047-12-16
Dec 16 16:03:11 thebighonker pg-prod[54360]: [19-1] <ler%dbmail> LOG: 
statement: INSERT INTO dbmail_physmessage (messagesize, internal_date)
VALUES (0, TO_TIMESTAMP('53048-12-16
Dec 16 16:03:21 thebighonker pg-prod[54391]: [19-1] <ler%dbmail> LOG: 
statement: INSERT INTO dbmail_physmessage (messagesize, internal_date)
VALUES (0, TO_TIMESTAMP('24595-12-16

So, I think GMime is getting confused. 

 lrosenman - 18-Dec-06 16:02  
It's definitely YahooGroups mail.  I have a number of examples.  

Do we need more to pass on to Jeff? 

What else can I do to help? 

 aaron - 31-Dec-06 22:32  
Proposed solution per mailing list discussion is to check if GMime thinks
that the year is > the current year, and replace with the current year if
that's the case. 

 lrosenman - 15-Jan-07 20:34  
Any news from Jeff Steadfast or on a work-around in DBMail code?  This is a
showstopper for me, fwiw. 

 aaron - 16-Jan-07 05:57  
Larry, sorry for the delay. I haven't heard back from Jeff at all. Please
test the attached patch as a workaround. 

 lrosenman - 17-Jan-07 15:55  
so far, so good. I applied this patch yesterday am, and no PG errors about
timestamps have been thrown.  

I don't have a good way to tell if any messages tripped the fixup, but
have to assume that since I received my usual collection of Yahoo Groups
mail, that some of them did. 

Issue History 
Date Modified   Username       Field                    Change               
14-Dec-06 23:56 lrosenman      New Issue                                    
14-Dec-06 23:59 lrosenman      Note Added: 0001678                          
15-Dec-06 17:25 lrosenman      File Added: bad.msg                          
15-Dec-06 17:26 lrosenman      Note Added: 0001679                          
15-Dec-06 17:28 lrosenman      Note Added: 0001680                          
15-Dec-06 17:39 lrosenman      Note Added: 0001681                          
15-Dec-06 17:50 aaron          Note Added: 0001682                          
15-Dec-06 18:32 lrosenman      Note Added: 0001684                          
15-Dec-06 19:15 aaron          File Added: timestring.c                     
15-Dec-06 19:17 aaron          Note Added: 0001685                          
15-Dec-06 19:32 lrosenman      Note Added: 0001686                          
15-Dec-06 19:51 aaron          File Added: timestring2.c                    
15-Dec-06 19:52 aaron          Note Added: 0001687                          
15-Dec-06 19:57 lrosenman      Note Added: 0001688                          
16-Dec-06 18:29 lrosenman      File Added: bad.msg.spool.tar.gz                 
16-Dec-06 18:30 lrosenman      Note Added: 0001692                          
16-Dec-06 20:21 aaron          Note Added: 0001695                          
16-Dec-06 22:23 lrosenman      Note Added: 0001696                          
16-Dec-06 23:17 lrosenman      Note Added: 0001697                          
18-Dec-06 16:02 lrosenman      Note Added: 0001698                          
31-Dec-06 22:32 aaron          Note Added: 0001704                          
15-Jan-07 20:34 lrosenman      Note Added: 0001722                          
16-Jan-07 05:53 aaron          Status                   new => assigned     
16-Jan-07 05:53 aaron          Assigned To               => aaron           
16-Jan-07 05:56 aaron          File Added: emailfromthefuturefix.diff           
16-Jan-07 05:57 aaron          Note Added: 0001723                          
17-Jan-07 15:55 lrosenman      Note Added: 0001725                          

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