The following issue has been RESOLVED. 
Reported By:                maenaka
Assigned To:                paul
Project:                    DBMail
Issue ID:                   545
Category:                   IMAP daemon
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   minor
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     resolved
Resolution:                 fixed
Fixed in Version:           2.2.5
Date Submitted:             20-Mar-07 02:08 CET
Last Modified:              20-Mar-07 09:17 CET
Summary:                    Security hole
In dbmail_imap_session_handle_auth() in dbmail-imapsession.c, when
auth_validate() returns -1, TRACE(TRACE_ERROR, "db-validate ...") is
called with the unescaped raw IMAP password along with the IMAP username.

 paul - 20-Mar-07 09:17  
Hardly a 'blocking' bug this, and hardly even a security issue given that
the raw password is/was only logged in case of serious database trouble.
Still, better err on the side of caution. Patch applied. 

Issue History 
Date Modified   Username       Field                    Change               
20-Mar-07 02:08 maenaka        New Issue                                    
20-Mar-07 02:08 maenaka        File Added: patch-dbmail-imapsession.c           
20-Mar-07 09:17 paul           Note Added: 0001930                          
20-Mar-07 09:17 paul           Assigned To               => paul            
20-Mar-07 09:17 paul           Severity                 block => minor      
20-Mar-07 09:17 paul           Status                   new => resolved     
20-Mar-07 09:17 paul           Resolution               open => fixed       
20-Mar-07 09:17 paul           Fixed in Version          => 2.2.5           

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