The following issue has been RESOLVED. 
Reported By:                paul
Assigned To:                paul
Project:                    DBMail
Issue ID:                   539
Category:                   IMAP daemon
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   minor
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     resolved
Resolution:                 fixed
Fixed in Version:           2.2.5
Date Submitted:             17-Mar-07 16:42 CET
Last Modified:              23-Mar-07 13:53 CET
Summary:                    Mailclient times out opening large mailboxes
When a mailclient like Thunderbird opens a large mailfolder with many
unread messages an error is returned to the user saying that opening the
folder takes too long.

 cmayo - 19-Mar-07 20:27  
I see the same timeouts with 2.2.4. Analysing the Postgresql 8.1.8 logs
with pgfouine updating the recent flags with:

update dbmail_messages set recent_flag = 0 where message_idnr in 

is taking a lot of time. 

 paul - 19-Mar-07 22:11  

As part of this bug I'm actually working on avoiding long-running queries
against the envelope and header caches. Such queries shouldn't scale 1/n
with the number of messages in a mailbox before returning some data to the

At first glance however, your case smells like a different beast.

Why is postgres taking so long to run the update query that flushes recent

I assume that postgres doesn't suffer from locking issues due to mvcc.

Are you sure this is the query that is triggering timeouts in the client? 

 cmayo - 19-Mar-07 23:20  
Sorry, looks like it was my database getting stale. It did appear to be the
updates activity that were slowing the connection  - I could see them by
doing tail -f on the log file, and they would continue for a while even
after the client had timed out.
However, I'd done a vacuum analyze and a vacuum full on my database and it
seems the solution was:
reindex table dbmail_messages 

 cmayo - 21-Mar-07 20:34  
Well, performance drops off again and another reindex speeds it up for
while and then it slows. May well be a problem with my database, which I
will keep looking for.

I ended up taking drastic action and patching dbmail-imapsession.c:
@@ -1764,7 +1764,7 @@
 int dbmail_imap_session_mailbox_update_recent(struct ImapSession *self) 
-       imap_session_update_recent(self->recent);
+       /* imap_session_update_recent(self->recent); */
        self->recent = NULL;

Hopefully this hasn't broken anything significant. 

 paul - 21-Mar-07 21:44  
The plot thickens then. Removing that call will break rfc compliance since
the recent flag for a message must (not should) be cleared upon first
accessing a message (fetch) in a read/write selected mailbox.

Makes /me/ wonder about why postgres needs reindexing at all?? I would
wager that simply updating a int2 field shouldn't require such manual
intervention. Don't you have pg_autovacuum running?

I can, and should in fact wrap the whole sequence of update queries in a
transaction, which will most likely improve performance, but I doubt it
will influence the key autoindexing.

Perhaps some input from an avid postgres user is warrented. 

 cmayo - 22-Mar-07 22:43  
An interesting post at:
says that when Postgresql UPDATES a row it duplicates it (for MVCC to

I did some experimentation using:
   select pg_total_relation_size( 'messages_pkey' );
to monitor the size of the index and the updates are causing it to
increase in size rapidly. vacuum doesn't actually seem to shrink it by
this measure (vacuum full actually increases it)

So, updating thousands of rows in one go doesn't seem like a good idea for
performance. It would be nice not to call update at all for rows that
already have recent_flag = 0 but just adding:
    and recent_flag <> 0
to the update in dbmail-imapsession.c speeds things up massively for me. 

 paul - 23-Mar-07 13:53  
fixed in rev 2474 

Issue History 
Date Modified   Username       Field                    Change               
17-Mar-07 16:42 paul           New Issue                                    
17-Mar-07 16:42 paul           Status                   new => assigned     
17-Mar-07 16:42 paul           Assigned To               => paul            
19-Mar-07 20:27 cmayo          Note Added: 0001927                          
19-Mar-07 20:28 cmayo          Issue Monitored: cmayo                       
19-Mar-07 22:11 paul           Note Added: 0001928                          
19-Mar-07 23:20 cmayo          Note Added: 0001929                          
21-Mar-07 20:34 cmayo          Note Added: 0001933                          
21-Mar-07 21:44 paul           Note Added: 0001934                          
22-Mar-07 22:43 cmayo          Note Added: 0001938                          
22-Mar-07 22:44 cmayo          File Added: reset_recent_check_not_zero.patch    
23-Mar-07 13:53 paul           Note Added: 0001952                          
23-Mar-07 13:53 paul           Status                   assigned => resolved
23-Mar-07 13:53 paul           Resolution               open => fixed       
23-Mar-07 13:53 paul           Fixed in Version          => 2.2.5           
23-Mar-07 13:53 paul           Additional Information Updated                   


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