A NOTE has been added to this issue. 
Reported By:                rhstone
Assigned To:                paul
Project:                    DBMail
Issue ID:                   575
Category:                   IMAP daemon
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   minor
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     assigned
Date Submitted:             24-Apr-07 04:21 CEST
Last Modified:              27-Apr-07 23:13 CEST
Summary:                    Search using PINE returns incorrect results
When using PINE, I am able to press the TAB key to advance to the next
unread message. This works on occasion, and tends to only function if PINE
has cached the next page of headers, rather than needing to run a SEARCH
command on the server.

The IMAP telemetry is as follows:

00000054 OK SEARCH completed

this appears to return an empty result, as I understand it. I will
scrounge up some server side logs when I have a chance.

 rhstone - 24-Apr-07 06:59  
Apr 24 05:01:13 Info:[imap] imap4.c,IMAPClientHandler(+178): COMMAND:

Apr 24 05:01:13 Debug:[imapsession]
dbmail-imapsession.c,build_args_array_ext(+2282): arg[0]: '1471:2247'

Apr 24 05:01:13 Debug:[imapsession]
dbmail-imapsession.c,build_args_array_ext(+2282): arg[1]: 'OR'

Apr 24 05:01:13 Debug:[imapsession]
dbmail-imapsession.c,build_args_array_ext(+2282): arg[2]: '('

Apr 24 05:01:13 Debug:[imapsession]
dbmail-imapsession.c,build_args_array_ext(+2282): arg[3]: 'UNDELETED'

Apr 24 05:01:13 Debug:[imapsession]
dbmail-imapsession.c,build_args_array_ext(+2282): arg[4]: 'UNSEEN'

Apr 24 05:01:13 Debug:[imapsession]
dbmail-imapsession.c,build_args_array_ext(+2282): arg[5]: ')'

Apr 24 05:01:13 Debug:[imapsession]
dbmail-imapsession.c,build_args_array_ext(+2282): arg[6]: '('

Apr 24 05:01:13 Debug:[imapsession]
dbmail-imapsession.c,build_args_array_ext(+2282): arg[7]: 'FLAGGED'

Apr 24 05:01:13 Debug:[imapsession]
dbmail-imapsession.c,build_args_array_ext(+2282): arg[8]: ')'

Apr 24 05:01:13 Info:[imap] imap4.c,IMAPClientHandler(+291): Executing
command search...

Apr 24 05:01:13 Debug:[db] db.c,db_acl_has_right(+4015): checking ACL
[read_flag] for user [2] on mailbox [2]
Apr 24 05:01:13 Debug:[db] db.c,db_acl_has_right(+4025): mailbox [2] is
owned by user [2], is that also [2]?
Apr 24 05:01:13 Debug:[db] db.c,db_acl_has_right(+4029): mailbox [2] is
owned by user [2], giving all rights
Apr 24 05:01:13 Debug:[sql] dbmysql.c,db_query(+286): query [SELECT
message_idnr FROM dbmail_messages WHERE mailbox_idnr = 2 AND status IN
(0,1) ORDER BY message_idnr]
Apr 24 05:01:13 Debug:[mailbox]
dbmail-mailbox.c,mailbox_build_uid_map(+162): ids [2247], msn [2247]
Apr 24 05:01:13 Debug:[misc] misc.c,check_msg_set(+996): [1471:2247] [ok]
Apr 24 05:01:13 Debug:[mailbox] dbmail-mailbox.c,append_search(+563):
[0x648c00] [1] type [2] field [] search [1471:2247] at depth [1]

Apr 24 05:01:13 Debug:[mailbox] dbmail-mailbox.c,append_search(+563):
[0x64e600] [1] type [15] field [] search [] at depth [2]

Apr 24 05:01:13 Debug:[mailbox] dbmail-mailbox.c,append_search(+563):
[0x667a00] [1] type [14] field [] search [] at depth [3]

Apr 24 05:01:13 Debug:[mailbox] dbmail-mailbox.c,append_search(+563):
[0x63c200] [0] type [2] field [] search [1:*] at depth [3]

Apr 24 05:01:13 Debug:[mailbox] dbmail-mailbox.c,append_search(+563):
[0x635200] [0] type [3] field [] search [deleted_flag=0] at depth [3]

Apr 24 05:01:13 Debug:[mailbox] dbmail-mailbox.c,append_search(+563):
[0x639400] [0] type [3] field [] search [seen_flag=0] at depth [3]

Apr 24 05:01:13 Debug:[mailbox] dbmail-mailbox.c,append_search(+563):
[0x66bc00] [1] type [14] field [] search [] at depth [3]

Apr 24 05:01:13 Debug:[mailbox] dbmail-mailbox.c,append_search(+563):
[0x652800] [0] type [2] field [] search [1:*] at depth [3]

Apr 24 05:01:13 Debug:[mailbox] dbmail-mailbox.c,append_search(+563):
[0x645e00] [0] type [3] field [] search [flagged_flag=1] at depth [3]

Apr 24 05:01:13 Debug:[mailbox]
dbmail-mailbox.c,dbmail_mailbox_get_set(+1288): [1471:2247]
Apr 24 05:01:13 Debug:[misc] misc.c,g_tree_merge(+1260): a[0] [OR] b[1] ->
Apr 24 05:01:13 Debug:[mailbox] dbmail-mailbox.c,_do_search(+1451):
[0x648c00] depth [1] type [2] rows [1]

Apr 24 05:01:13 Debug:[mailbox]
dbmail-mailbox.c,dbmail_mailbox_get_set(+1288): [1:*]
Apr 24 05:01:13 Debug:[misc] misc.c,g_tree_merge(+1260): a[0] [OR] b[2247]
-> a[2247]
Apr 24 05:01:13 Debug:[mailbox] dbmail-mailbox.c,_do_search(+1451):
[0x63c200] depth [4] type [2] rows [2247]

Apr 24 05:01:13 Debug:[sql] dbmysql.c,db_query(+286): query [SELECT
message_idnr FROM dbmail_messages WHERE mailbox_idnr = 2 AND status IN
(0,1) AND deleted_flag=0 ORDER BY message_idnr]
Apr 24 05:01:13 Debug:[mailbox] dbmail-mailbox.c,_do_search(+1451):
[0x635200] depth [4] type [3] rows [2244]

Apr 24 05:01:13 Debug:[sql] dbmysql.c,db_query(+286): query [SELECT
message_idnr FROM dbmail_messages WHERE mailbox_idnr = 2 AND status IN
(0,1) AND seen_flag=0 ORDER BY message_idnr]
Apr 24 05:01:13 Debug:[mailbox] dbmail-mailbox.c,_do_search(+1451):
[0x639400] depth [4] type [3] rows [270]

Apr 24 05:01:13 Debug:[mailbox] dbmail-mailbox.c,_do_search(+1451):
[0x667a00] depth [3] type [14] rows [0]

Apr 24 05:01:13 Debug:[mailbox]
dbmail-mailbox.c,dbmail_mailbox_get_set(+1288): [1:*]
Apr 24 05:01:14 Debug:[misc] misc.c,g_tree_merge(+1260): a[0] [OR] b[2247]
-> a[2247]
Apr 24 05:01:14 Debug:[mailbox] dbmail-mailbox.c,_do_search(+1451):
[0x652800] depth [4] type [2] rows [2247]

Apr 24 05:01:14 Debug:[sql] dbmysql.c,db_query(+286): query [SELECT
message_idnr FROM dbmail_messages WHERE mailbox_idnr = 2 AND status IN
(0,1) AND flagged_flag=1 ORDER BY message_idnr]
Apr 24 05:01:14 Debug:[mailbox] dbmail-mailbox.c,_do_search(+1451):
[0x645e00] depth [4] type [3] rows [0]

Apr 24 05:01:14 Debug:[mailbox] dbmail-mailbox.c,_do_search(+1451):
[0x66bc00] depth [3] type [14] rows [0]

Apr 24 05:01:14 Debug:[mailbox] dbmail-mailbox.c,_do_search(+1451):
[0x64e600] depth [2] type [15] rows [0]

Apr 24 05:01:14 Debug:[mailbox] dbmail-mailbox.c,_merge_search(+1476):
[0x648c00] depth [1] type [2]
Apr 24 05:01:14 Debug:[misc] misc.c,g_tree_merge(+1260): a[2247] [AND]
b[1] -> a[1]
Apr 24 05:01:14 Debug:[mailbox] dbmail-mailbox.c,_merge_search(+1476):
[0x64e600] depth [2] type [15]
Apr 24 05:01:14 Debug:[mailbox] dbmail-mailbox.c,_merge_search(+1476):
[0x63c200] depth [4] type [2]
Apr 24 05:01:14 Debug:[misc] misc.c,g_tree_merge(+1260): a[1] [AND]
b[2247] -> a[1]
Apr 24 05:01:14 Debug:[mailbox] dbmail-mailbox.c,_merge_search(+1476):
[0x635200] depth [4] type [3]
Apr 24 05:01:14 Debug:[misc] misc.c,g_tree_merge(+1260): a[1] [AND]
b[2244] -> a[1]
Apr 24 05:01:14 Debug:[mailbox] dbmail-mailbox.c,_merge_search(+1476):
[0x639400] depth [4] type [3]
Apr 24 05:01:14 Debug:[misc] misc.c,g_tree_merge(+1260): a[1] [AND] b[270]
-> a[0]
Apr 24 05:01:14 Debug:[mailbox] dbmail-mailbox.c,_merge_search(+1476):
[0x652800] depth [4] type [2]
Apr 24 05:01:14 Debug:[misc] misc.c,g_tree_merge(+1260): a[0] [AND]
b[2247] -> a[0]
Apr 24 05:01:14 Debug:[mailbox] dbmail-mailbox.c,_merge_search(+1476):
[0x645e00] depth [4] type [3]
Apr 24 05:01:14 Debug:[misc] misc.c,g_tree_merge(+1260): a[0] [AND] b[0]
-> a[0]
Apr 24 05:01:14 Debug:[mailbox]
dbmail-mailbox.c,dbmail_mailbox_search(+1548): found [0] ids

Apr 24 05:01:14 Debug:[mailbox]
dbmail-mailbox.c,dbmail_mailbox_ids_as_string(+484): no ids found
Apr 24 05:01:14 Debug:[imapsession]
dbmail-imapsession.c,dbmail_imap_session_printf(+1348): RESPONSE: [*
Apr 24 05:01:14 Debug:[imapsession]
dbmail-imapsession.c,dbmail_imap_session_printf(+1348): RESPONSE:
[0000000e OK SEARCH completed
Apr 24 05:01:14 Info:[imap] imap4.c,IMAPClientHandler(+308): Finished
command search [0] 

 aaron - 25-Apr-07 17:35  
Bug report corresponds to dbmail_2_2_branch, rev 2521. 

 aaron - 27-Apr-07 23:13  
Robbie, please see if rev 2533 resolves this issue. 

Issue History 
Date Modified   Username       Field                    Change               
24-Apr-07 04:21 rhstone        New Issue                                    
24-Apr-07 06:59 rhstone        Note Added: 0002083                          
25-Apr-07 17:35 aaron          Note Added: 0002096                          
25-Apr-07 22:24 paul           Status                   new => assigned     
25-Apr-07 22:24 paul           Assigned To               => paul            
27-Apr-07 23:13 aaron          Note Added: 0002104                          

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