A NOTE has been added to this issue. 
Reported By:                zul
Assigned To:                
Project:                    DBMail
Issue ID:                   624
Category:                   IMAP daemon
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   minor
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     new
Date Submitted:             11-Jul-07 16:01 CEST
Last Modified:              19-Jul-07 22:03 CEST
Summary:                    forwarded attachments is corrupting
this bug appears in dbmail-2.2.5, -2.2.5rc3, but disappeared in
dbmail-2.2.4. it also disappeared again in dbmail-2.2.5 if folder's
"offline use" mode is on and forwarded mail storing in local cache or if
you use forwarding mode "as attachment". when the message with attachments
forwards, forwarding copy has the same attachments corrupted. diff showing
that forward less than original about 7-8 kb. as a result, recipient can't
open this mail
Relationships       ID      Summary
duplicate of        0000623 forwarded attachments is corrupting
related to          0000628 Corrupted e-mail

 alex - 12-Jul-07 14:29  
I've just encountered the same problem.

For debugging purposes, the user forwarded this mail to a Outlook 2000
client, where it arrived intact (md5 check OK).

The user originally forwarded the file to a TB 1.5.12.win.32bit client.
There, the file when saved was 17 bytes bigger.

The diff between these too is here:
diff file.xml_original file.xml_forwarded_to_thunderbird_1.5.12.win.32bit
<       </debtors>
\ No newline at end of file
>       </debtors>
> ------=extPart_
\ No newline at end of file

The same "extPart" was added by my TB client. I can't
present a real diff of this though, as TB in linux saved the file with
UNIX EOLs, but the problem was the same as with the windows client.

I'm using a dbmail revison which is a few revisions older than the 2.2.5
release IIRC. 

 paul - 18-Jul-07 22:31  
So this problem started with 2.2.5-rc3? Or was it earlier than that (rc2,

 alex - 19-Jul-07 11:26  
OK. I did some testing now.

New test utf8 database with 2.2.4.

Sent the mail, saved OK with TB.

upgraded to 2.2.5rc2 (and definitely restarted both imapd and lmtpd)

Sent the mail, saved NOT OK with TB.

Tried to save the mail received with 2.2.4 using 2.2.5rc2 imap and was
saved OK.

Here's the diff again, both were saved using 2.2.5rc2 IMAP, but received
with different LMTP:

diff debtors.2.2.4.xml debtors.2.2.5rc2.xml
<       </debtors>
\ No newline at end of file
>       </debtors>
> ------=extPart_000_
\ No newline at end of file

I also saved both message sources as reported by TB to files and at the
end you can see the difference:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ tail -5 message.2.2.4

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ tail -5 message.2.2.5rc2


Seams with 2.2.5rc2 the last NextPart is cut. Looks like a message
delivery issue, not IMAP. IMHO.

This database is utf8, I experienced the problem on a latin1 first. So the
charset is not to blame.

I _assume_ that the difference between Outlook and TB is that Outlook
isn't bothered by the mangled NextPart while TB expects a perfect one. If
this assumption is correct, then Outlook is the broken client, not TB.

About the mail message itself. I wasn't able to recreate a mail that would
break using Outlook myself, so I had to use the user's original mail that
caused the problem. If You would like to have a look at it, I can send it
to you via private mail, Paul.

Glad to give more details, just ask.

I skipped dbmail-2.2.5rc1 as it wasn't available from dbmail.org anymore.
If you upload the release, I could try again.

edit: sorry, forgot to mention I always use mysql (innodb) 5.0.x series.


 zul - 19-Jul-07 13:16  
just tested dbmail-2.2.5.rc2 with the same result
rc1 tarball is not downloadable, can you send one to me?


 dimonic - 19-Jul-07 16:56  
I can confirm that the same problem exists in rc1 (I had it in my
apt-cache). Also, I have an intermittent problem with e-mails being
truncated after a line or two. I am using utf8 storage in mysql


 paul - 19-Jul-07 21:58  
could someone please test the attached patch? 

 zul - 19-Jul-07 22:03  
sure. against 2.5, 2.6rc-1 or both? 

Issue History 
Date Modified   Username       Field                    Change               
11-Jul-07 16:01 zul            New Issue                                    
11-Jul-07 16:01 zul            File Added: dbmail_debug.tar.bz2                 
11-Jul-07 16:01 zul            File Added: thunderbird_debug.tar.bz2            
11-Jul-07 16:02 zul            Issue Monitored: zul                         
12-Jul-07 14:29 alex           Note Added: 0002289                          
13-Jul-07 20:11 nethzt         Issue Monitored: nethzt                      
16-Jul-07 20:36 dimonic        Issue Monitored: dimonic                     
16-Jul-07 22:10 paul           Relationship added       related to 0000628  
16-Jul-07 22:11 paul           Relationship added       duplicate of 0000623
18-Jul-07 22:31 paul           Note Added: 0002297                          
19-Jul-07 11:25 alex           Note Added: 0002300                          
19-Jul-07 11:26 alex           Note Edited: 0002300                         
19-Jul-07 13:15 zul            Note Added: 0002301                          
19-Jul-07 13:16 zul            Note Edited: 0002301                         
19-Jul-07 16:54 dimonic        Note Added: 0002302                          
19-Jul-07 16:56 dimonic        Note Edited: 0002302                         
19-Jul-07 21:57 paul           File Added:
19-Jul-07 21:58 paul           Note Added: 0002303                          
19-Jul-07 22:03 zul            Note Added: 0002304                          

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