The following issue has been set PARENT OF issue 0000641. 
Reported By:                jnorell
Assigned To:                paul
Project:                    DBMail
Issue ID:                   639
Category:                   Database layer
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   minor
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     resolved
Resolution:                 fixed
Fixed in Version:           2.2.6
Date Submitted:             10-Aug-07 15:44 CEST
Last Modified:              24-Aug-07 23:09 CEST
Summary:                    '_' escaping problem in folder names
I have a folder named "-Spam" and one named "_Spam" which get mixed up in
imap (ie. show the same contents/message counts).  Indeed, I'm not allowed
to make a "-Test" and then a "_Test", because dbmail-imapd says it already

This is with a mysql backend.
Relationships       ID      Summary
parent of           0000641 Creating Mailbox's with special Chars

 paul - 24-Aug-07 23:09  
fixed in rev 2747 

Issue History 
Date Modified   Username       Field                    Change               
10-Aug-07 15:44 jnorell        New Issue                                    
24-Aug-07 22:58 paul           Status                   new => assigned     
24-Aug-07 22:58 paul           Assigned To               => paul            
24-Aug-07 23:09 paul           Note Added: 0002328                          
24-Aug-07 23:09 paul           Status                   assigned => resolved
24-Aug-07 23:09 paul           Resolution               open => fixed       
24-Aug-07 23:09 paul           Fixed in Version          => 2.2.6           
31-Aug-07 09:07 paul           Relationship added       parent of 0000641   

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