Bradley Giesbrecht wrote:

> I'm also working at adding dbmail 2.2.x to macports. dbmail 2.2.x is in
> my local repo as dbmail.

Ah. Great.

> I haven't run across dbmail 2.4.x.

Once the 2.3.x series stabilizes it will be launched as 2.4.0

> I have added libzdb to my local macports repo and I think I have it
> building and installing properly but I can't convince dbmail 2.3 it's
> there and useable.

> I see the headers and libs in our macports prefix /opt/local but so far
> I haven't had success appending cppflags and having dbmail 2.3 configure
> find them.

If you're using libzdb-2.3 you shouldn't have to do anything special.

For libzdb-2.4 - which should be released today - use:

./configure --with-zdb=/opt/local/include

to setup dbmail.

> Or maybe they are not useable.
> I'm in the process of tracking this down.
> If you have some tests for libzdb to find if it indeed is doing it's
> thing that would be useful.
> Or env or flags I should use to get dbmail 2.3 configure to find
> includes and libs in /opt/local/include and /opt/local/lib that would be
> appreciated.

take a look at debian/rules for some ideas. Esp:


  Paul Stevens                                      paul at
  NET FACILITIES GROUP                     GPG/PGP: 1024D/11F8CD31
  The Netherlands________________________________
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