> Since we are now using libzdb, we really only need to provide each
> program with the connection string. It would dictate what database
> type,
> host, user/pass, db name, etc. That would make our dbmail.conf real
> simple with just a connection string in it. Everything else would be
> read from dbmail_config. If we add a configuration version row in there
> that is also incrementing, then the daemons could be told that a new
> configuration is in place and they should restart to catch the change
> or
> change what is required.

That would be great, even for backoffice software.
Every configuration line should exist from the beginning on this
"dbmail_config" table, with their own defaults, that may be simpler to have
all rows of all configurations values there, no?
And in future versions if a new configuration value is added, it'll be added
by the *sql migrate script.

Something like:

Create table dbmail_config (id int(6) not null primary key,section
varchar(255) not null,config varchar(255) not null,value varchar(255) not
Insert into dbmail_config values (100,'global','login_timeout','60');
Insert into dbmail_config values (200,'lmtpd','port','24');
Insert into dbmail_config values (300,'imapd','port','143');
Insert into dbmail_config values (400,'pop3d','port','110');

This way all config values will be arranges in their group, ex:
100 = global (100/102/102 etc)
200 = lmtpd
300 = imapd
400 = pop3d

Good or bad idea?

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