Michael Monnerie wrote:
> On Montag 08 Juni 2009 Jonathan Feally wrote:
>> I'm not sure if a per user
>> script to move messages is the best approach. Probably just need to
>> add it to dbmail-util to move them from the old structure to the new
>> one. We don't even need to change the phymessage_id, just insert the
>> mimeparts, then the partslist rows. Once those are there, the
>> physmessage_id rows can be deleted from the messageblks.
> But how do you delete messageblks without their entire message? There 
> are lots of constraints all over the place. You'd need to redefine 
> those. OK, as there will be no more old inserts, it shouldn't really 
> hurt to loose those.

It's perfectly safe to delete from the messageblks table if the data has
been inserted into mimeparts. No schema change is needed for storage
migration to work. Like Jon said: it's a matter of pulling a message
from the store, reinsert it into mimeparts while avoiding the header
caching calls, and finally nuke the messageblks rows.

> If "per-user" is not good - what would be better?

Such a migration run will be *very* long running (think several days).
It should not block any services, or hurt overall performance too much.
So personally I'd go for a low prio maintenance thread that kicks in on
low system loads.

  Paul Stevens                                      paul at nfg.nl
  NET FACILITIES GROUP                     GPG/PGP: 1024D/11F8CD31
  The Netherlands________________________________http://www.nfg.nl
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