
Sent you to your private email the trace for this problem.

Does it help?




From: []
On Behalf Of Jorge Bastos
Sent: quarta-feira, 15 de Julho de 2009 15:27
To: 'DBMAIL Developers Mailinglist'
Subject: [Dbmail-dev] Upgrade to 2.3.6


Paul, first of all that's for the help.


For pop3d, I have a crash, here you have a gdb trace, if this doesn't help
tell me and I'll try to get the 511 log.


Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.

[Switching to Thread 0xb74a06d0 (LWP 28226)]

0xb7cd30c6 in client_session_set_timeout (session=0x9959888, timeout=60)

    at clientsession.c:143

143             if (session && (session->state > CLIENTSTATE_ANY) &&
session->ci && session->ci->timeout) {

(gdb) bt

#0  0xb7cd30c6 in client_session_set_timeout (session=0x9959888, timeout=60)

    at clientsession.c:143

#1  0xb7cd339c in socket_write_cb (fd=21, what=4, arg=0x9959888)

    at clientsession.c:170

#2  0xb7d5a9e2 in event_base_loop () from /usr/lib/

#3  0xb7d5ac79 in event_loop () from /usr/lib/

#4  0xb7d5ac9e in event_dispatch () from /usr/lib/

#5  0xb7cd20c5 in server_run (conf=0xbff02e84) at server.c:637

#6  0xb7cd2d89 in server_mainloop (config=0xbff02e84,

    service=0x804c2d6 "POP", servicename=0x804c486 "dbmail-pop3d")

    at server.c:761

#7  0x0804b878 in main (argc=2, argv=Cannot access memory at address 0x1d

) at pop3d.c:58




(gdb) f 0

#0  0xb7b44c08 in pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()

   from /lib/

(gdb) f 1

#1  0xb7c29af4 in pthread_cond_timedwait () from /lib/

(gdb) f 2

#2  0xb7cf1114 in doSweep (args=0x98d27b8) at src/db/ConnectionPool.c:141

141     src/db/ConnectionPool.c: No such file or directory.

        in src/db/ConnectionPool.c

(gdb) f 3

#3  0xb7b40f3b in start_thread () from /lib/

(gdb) f 4

#4  0xb7c1dbee in clone () from /lib/

(gdb) f 5

#0  0x00000000 in ?? ()

(gdb) f 6

#0  0x00000000 in ?? ()

(gdb) f 7

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