The following issue has been set as DUPLICATE OF issue 0000807. 
Reported By:                jasb
Assigned To:                
Project:                    DBMail
Issue ID:                   826
Category:                   LMTP daemon
Reproducibility:            have not tried
Severity:                   minor
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     new
Date Submitted:             04-Jan-10 22:23 CET
Last Modified:              04-Jan-10 22:45 CET
Summary:                    Values from From: header are suppressed

I believe i have a big catch for you!
Check my attached files, let me explain:

Take a look at the files:
"test with non-ascii chars on From header.txt"
"test with non-ascii chars on From header____sent_raw_message.txt"

You can see that the From: header on the received message, have values
suppressed, they are just gone!
The other two files, are just to confirm that other values on the From:
header than the one's I entered work OK.
This effect, also has influence on how MS Outlook 2007 (didn't had
opportunity to see on others) show's the header. Check attached

I think it's a great catch :-)
Give me some feedback when its possible for you.
Relationships       ID      Summary
duplicate of        0000807 Problem with utf-8 encodec "From: ...

 (0002970) paul (administrator) - 04-Jan-10 22:44 

this is a dupe. I'm already aware of this. Check bug 

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
04-Jan-10 22:23  jasb           New Issue                                    
04-Jan-10 22:23  jasb           File Added: header.JPG                       
04-Jan-10 22:23  jasb           File Added: test with chars on From header, but
ascii one\'s.txt                    
04-Jan-10 22:23  jasb           File Added: test with non-ascii chars on From
04-Jan-10 22:23  jasb           File Added: test with non-ascii chars on From
04-Jan-10 22:24  jasb           File Added: test without non-ascii chars on From
04-Jan-10 22:44  paul           Note Added: 0002970                          
04-Jan-10 22:45  paul           Relationship added       duplicate of 0000807

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