A NOTE has been added to this issue. 
Reported By:                utada
Assigned To:                paul
Project:                    DBMail
Issue ID:                   831
Category:                   LMTP daemon
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   major
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     acknowledged
Date Submitted:             21-Jan-10 11:24 CET
Last Modified:              02-Feb-10 09:40 CET
Summary:                    ERROR:  duplicate key violates unique constraint
MTA: Postfix 2.3.3
DataBase: PostgreSQL 8.1.11

When mail was sent, the header name is inserted to dbmail_headername

But,If some addresses exist, the error occurs because same header name is
doubly registered. 

The error doesn't occur if dbmail_headername table has already same


 (0002986) paul (administrator) - 21-Jan-10 11:45
Please don't file bugs against old releases.

This is a duplicate of bug http://www.dbmail.org/mantis/view.php?id=685 afaict
which was fixed in 2.2.10.

Feel free to re-open this bug if it still exists in the latest 2.2

 (0002988) utada (reporter) - 22-Jan-10 09:56
Thanks replay

I tried the installation of dbmail-2.2.10. 

But, the same problem occurs still.
Do I have mistake?


 (0002989) paul (administrator) - 22-Jan-10 10:13
I'm unable to reproduce this problem. Please file level5 logs and a message
that will trigger this bug.

Btw, why do you insist on using old versions? Please test 2.2.13 or 
use one of the downloads at:


so you can help test 2.2.14 

 (0002991) utada (reporter) - 22-Jan-10 14:32
I tried the installation of dbmail-2.2.13

But, the same problem occurs still.

I attached error log
please check it and advice to me. 

 (0003000) paul (administrator) - 27-Jan-10 21:12
You should be able work around this problem by narrowing the lmtp pipeline
from your MTA to dbmail-lmtpd. For postfix this would mean setting the
maxproc value to 1 for lmtp:

in master.cf change:
lmtp      unix  -       -       -       -       -       lmtp
lmtp      unix  -       -       -       -       1       lmtp

so postfix won't try to deliver the same message concurrently for multiple
local users. 

 (0003007) utada (reporter) - 28-Jan-10 02:27
Thanks paul

I will try change to master.cf.

I have doubt because it is not in README.postfix 
why should I change this parameter? 
Is it a problem of usually happening? 

 (0003017) utada (reporter) - 01-Feb-10 01:24
I changed lmtp in maser.cf
But,the error occur.

The error doesn't occur when I changed 
dbmail-lmtp unix - - - - - lmtp
dbmail-lmtp unix - - - - 1 lmtp

The problem seems to solved.
But,I don't understand why error occur in only my environment.


 (0003020) paul (administrator) - 02-Feb-10 09:40
There must be something funny in your MTA setup. 

Normally, local users are resolved by DBMail. But in your case the exact
same messages is being inserted twice concurrently by postfix. 

I'm guessing you have some kind of mysql alias_maps causing you grief. 

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
21-Jan-10 11:24  utada          New Issue                                    
21-Jan-10 11:45  paul           Note Added: 0002986                          
21-Jan-10 11:45  paul           Status                   new => resolved     
21-Jan-10 11:45  paul           Resolution               open => no change
22-Jan-10 09:31  utada          Issue Monitored: utada                       
22-Jan-10 09:37  utada          Note Added: 0002988                          
22-Jan-10 09:37  utada          Status                   resolved => feedback
22-Jan-10 09:37  utada          Resolution               no change required =>
22-Jan-10 09:56  utada          Note Edited: 0002988                         
22-Jan-10 10:13  paul           Note Added: 0002989                          
22-Jan-10 14:30  utada          File Added: error_maillog.txt                   

22-Jan-10 14:32  utada          Note Added: 0002991                          
22-Jan-10 15:06  paul           Assigned To               => paul            
22-Jan-10 15:06  paul           Status                   feedback =>
22-Jan-10 15:06  paul           Resolution               reopened => open    
22-Jan-10 15:06  paul           version                  2.2.9 => 2.2.13     
27-Jan-10 21:12  paul           Note Added: 0003000                          
28-Jan-10 02:27  utada          Note Added: 0003007                          
01-Feb-10 01:23  utada          Note Added: 0003017                          
01-Feb-10 01:24  utada          Note Edited: 0003017                         
02-Feb-10 09:40  paul           Note Added: 0003020                          

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