A NOTE has been added to this issue. 
Reported By:                Numbski
Assigned To:                
Project:                    DBMail
Issue ID:                   650
Category:                   Database layer
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   feature
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     acknowledged
Date Submitted:             08-Oct-07 14:05 CEST
Last Modified:              15-Feb-10 13:50 CET
Summary:                    When using NDBCLUSTER, inserts begin to fail.
This was originally posted as a bug to MySQL (not by me), only to have it
recanted as being a "script bug".


In order to get dbmail set up, the database setup script had to be changed
ENGINE=NDBCLUSTER, and a constraint removed:


As a result, the matching section in my create_ndb_tables.mysql script
looks like this:

CREATE TABLE dbmail_headervalue (
        headername_id   BIGINT NOT NULL,
        physmessage_id  BIGINT NOT NULL, 
        id              BIGINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
        headervalue     TEXT,
        PRIMARY KEY (id),
        UNIQUE (physmessage_id, id),
        UNIQUE (physmessage_id, headername_id),
        INDEX (headername_id),
        INDEX (physmessage_id),
        FOREIGN KEY (headername_id)
                REFERENCES dbmail_headername(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON
DELETE CASCADE        FOREIGN KEY (physmessage_id)
                REFERENCES dbmail_physmessage(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON

Everything appears to work normally, until I try to migrate my mailboxes
using imapsync from my old server to the new dbmail server.  The errors,
sans the related timestamps and user info, look exactly like that of the
first link in this post:

May 23 15:08:46 dcspct1 dbmail/lmtpd[35859]: Error [Duplicate entry '' for
'*UNKNOWN*'] [INSERT INTO dbmail_headervalue (headername_id,
 headervalue) VALUES (12,3,'from gferro.xxx.it (a-b-c-d.ip10.xxx.it
[a.b.c.d]) by x.y.z
(Postfix) with ES
MTP id 78A7633C5F for <gfe...@xxx.it>; Wed, 23 May 2007 15:08:46 +0200

The poster in the MySQL bug states that it was a problem with the
insertion script, not MySQL, but fails to go into further detail.  I have
attempted several times to e-mail the original bug submitter with no

 (0002394) Numbski (reporter) - 09-Oct-07 02:44
I didn't mean to make this authentication layer....oops. :( 

 (0002396) paul (administrator) - 09-Oct-07 09:07
I've updated the category. I've also changed the severity since NBD has
never been a supported platform. 

 (0002530) theki (reporter) - 25-Mar-08 00:18
Fixed it.
Since MySQL-Cluster does not support Foreign Keys (like MyISAM):

you need a create script without any unique foreign keys.
That's a bad workaround, but it finally works.

Attached working create script. 

 (0002531) paul (administrator) - 25-Mar-08 09:23
Please be advised that without the foreign key restraints the database will
not remain healthy. DBMail relies on the cascades to remove messages when a
mailbox is deleted, remove mailboxes when a user is deleted, update owner
idnrs when a user changes id, etc, etc.... 

Also, lack of full support for transactions, i.e. rollbacks, and the fact
that ndb only supports read committed isolation on transactions means that
imap compliancy under high concurrencies will be poor. 

 (0002532) theki (reporter) - 25-Mar-08 09:32
Exactly. That's why we need "real" support for clusters on dbmail site.
Maybe I will checkout the actual version and work on that.
Transactions are still a problem then. 

 (0002533) paul (administrator) - 25-Mar-08 10:33

You're most welcome to help out working on dbmail's scalability.

Dbmail's trunk development has shifted from using hown-grown database
drivers to using libzdb (http://www.tildeslash.com/libzdb/), and libevent
rather than the basic select-accept eventloop used in 2.2.

Please see: http://git.dbmail.eu/paul/dbmail/ 

 (0003027) nethzt (reporter) - 15-Feb-10 13:50
any news on ndb support ? 

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
08-Oct-07 14:05  Numbski        New Issue                                    
08-Oct-07 14:07  Numbski        Issue Monitored: Numbski                     
09-Oct-07 02:44  Numbski        Note Added: 0002394                          
09-Oct-07 09:07  paul           Note Added: 0002396                          
09-Oct-07 09:07  paul           Severity                 major => feature    
09-Oct-07 09:07  paul           Status                   new => acknowledged 
09-Oct-07 09:07  paul           Category                 Authentication layer =>
Database layer
26-Nov-07 21:55  m2000          Issue Monitored: m2000                       
25-Mar-08 00:15  theki          Issue Monitored: theki                       
25-Mar-08 00:18  theki          File Added: create_ndb_tables.mysql             
25-Mar-08 00:18  theki          Note Added: 0002530                          
25-Mar-08 09:23  paul           Note Added: 0002531                          
25-Mar-08 09:32  theki          Note Added: 0002532                          
25-Mar-08 10:33  paul           Note Added: 0002533                          
15-Feb-10 13:50  nethzt         Note Added: 0003027                          

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