A NOTE has been added to this issue. 
Reported By:                maximP
Assigned To:                
Project:                    DBMail
Issue ID:                   815
Category:                   IMAP daemon
Reproducibility:            have not tried
Severity:                   major
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     new
Date Submitted:             02-Nov-09 17:18 CET
Last Modified:              28-Apr-10 14:44 CEST
Summary:                    IMAP + Thunderbird - inability to receive a message
By default, Thunderbird tries to get message attachments (message parts)
from IMAP by small chunks (10 KBytes), and relies on accuracy of attachment
sizes information (IMAP server must inform MUA about the exact size of
message parts). Most of messages are OK, but sometimes the problem arises,
and Thunderbird can't get a message from IMAP server. Probably,
dbmail-imapd lies about sizes of message parts, and Thunderbird doesn't
understand DBMail's answer with message part body (and closes the
connection on timeout, if I understand correctly). Similar problem (with
Exchange IMAP server) is discussed here:
and the recommendation is to turn off chunk fetching by modifying hidden
Thunderbird setting. It helps with dbmail-imapd also, but is it possible to
fix DBMail itself?
BTW, when Thunderbird asks dbmail-imapd to send 10Kb, then next 10Kb, then
next... what does DBMail do? Does it utilize some caches, or the whole
message or message part is fetched from the DB every time? Moreover, is
DBMail handle large messages with many attachments in optimal way? I'd say,
DBMail + Thunderbird combination is too slow for large messages.

 (0003043) paul (administrator) - 28-Apr-10 14:44
I'm unable to reproduce this on the current codebase. 

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
02-Nov-09 17:18  maximP         New Issue                                    
28-Apr-10 14:44  paul           Note Added: 0003043                          

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