A NOTE has been added to this issue. 
Reported By:                maximP
Assigned To:                paul
Project:                    DBMail
Issue ID:                   843
Category:                   IMAP daemon
Reproducibility:            sometimes
Severity:                   crash
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     feedback
Date Submitted:             15-Apr-10 15:41 CEST
Last Modified:              12-May-10 16:36 CEST
Summary:                    Thunderbird can't fetch message
Sometimes Thunderbird can't fetch a message from dbmail IMAP server. The
problem appears when opening some messages which contain attachments. The
result is Thunderbird shows in status bar "Loading message..."
notifications, and the loading never finishes (it's interrupted on
timeout). If, after some attempts, the message can be opened, it's cut, not
complete message.

 (0003040) paul (administrator) - 15-Apr-10 15:57
there's some kind of event-starvation going on since the event_add
recursion fix. 

 (0003041) paul (administrator) - 23-Apr-10 09:04
I think I've got this covered now. Please let me know if it's still a

 (0003042) maximP (reporter) - 26-Apr-10 09:17
The problem became more annoying. The messages are opened quickly, without
delays, but some messages are broken. For example, Thunderbird shows just a
small part of jpeg picture attached to some message. The old version (about
the beginning of March) is OK. 

 (0003044) paul (administrator) - 28-Apr-10 14:48
I can't reproduce this. I've been trying with all kinds of attachments, big
and small. 

 (0003052) maximP (reporter) - 05-May-10 17:13
Imapd from today's (2010-05-05) git version just dies when Thunderbird
fetches messages. The log says:

*** glibc detected *** dbmail-imapd: double free or corruption (!prev):
0x00000000006ebff0 ***
======= Backtrace: =========
======= Memory map: ========


 (0003053) maximP (reporter) - 07-May-10 12:41
In my case, some messages are always broken in the latest git version. The
attached file is a difference between the message taken from the "working"
IMAP version and the same message taken from the "latest git" IMAP version.
Note that more than 1000 first lines of messages are the same and some
lines can have different length (message attachement is jpeg file in base64

 (0003054) paul (administrator) - 10-May-10 15:17

would you mind trying again. I fixed a bug in the network writer. 

 (0003055) maximP (reporter) - 11-May-10 10:20
I tried the new version. This bug seems to be fixed. But dbmail-imapd dies
(when I view some emails) with the following log message:
kernel: dbmail-imapd[26285]: segfault at 0 ip 00007fed76a29590 sp
00007fed717f9e68 error 4 in libc-2.9.so[7fed769ad000+14f000]

This is the last lines of dbmail.err file (with file_logging_levels=511)
just before this segfault:
dbmail-imapd[26274]: [0x695930] Debug:[message]
dbmail_message_init_with_string(+706): parse message
[...many _register_header() calls are skipped...]
dbmail-imapd[26274]: [0x695930] Debug:[message] _register_header(+778):
X-DBMail-PhysMessage-ID: 88462
dbmail-imapd[26274]: [0x695930] Debug:[Cache] Cache_update(+113):
[0x69c2a0] C->id[0] message->id[12013]
dbmail-imapd[26274]: [0x695930] Debug:[Cache] Cache_update(+152):
C->size[82080], outcnt[82080]
dbmail-imapd[26274]: [0x695930] Debug:[misc] imap_get_structure(+1770):
message type: [multipart/mixed]
dbmail-imapd[26274]: [0x695930] Debug:[misc]
_structure_part_multipart(+1470): parse [3] parts for [multipart/mixed]
with boundary [------------020709050

 (0003056) maximP (reporter) - 12-May-10 16:36
No more segfaults in today's git version. Thank you for the fix. 

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
15-Apr-10 15:41  maximP         New Issue                                    
15-Apr-10 15:57  paul           Note Added: 0003040                          
23-Apr-10 09:04  paul           Note Added: 0003041                          
23-Apr-10 09:05  paul           Assigned To               => paul            
23-Apr-10 09:05  paul           Status                   new => resolved     
23-Apr-10 09:05  paul           Resolution               open => fixed       
23-Apr-10 09:05  paul           Fixed in Version          => 2.3.7           
26-Apr-10 09:17  maximP         Note Added: 0003042                          
26-Apr-10 09:17  maximP         Status                   resolved => feedback
26-Apr-10 09:17  maximP         Resolution               fixed => reopened   
28-Apr-10 14:48  paul           Note Added: 0003044                          
05-May-10 17:08  maximP         Note Added: 0003052                          
05-May-10 17:13  maximP         Note Edited: 0003052                         
07-May-10 12:41  maximP         Note Added: 0003053                          
07-May-10 12:41  maximP         File Added: good-bad.diff                    
10-May-10 15:17  paul           Note Added: 0003054                          
11-May-10 10:20  maximP         Note Added: 0003055                          
12-May-10 16:36  maximP         Note Added: 0003056                          

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