A NOTE has been added to this issue. 
Reported By:                maximP
Assigned To:                
Project:                    DBMail
Issue ID:                   805
Category:                   LMTP daemon
Reproducibility:            have not tried
Severity:                   major
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     new
Date Submitted:             09-Sep-09 16:41 CEST
Last Modified:              06-Jul-10 21:59 CEST
Summary:                    LMTPD dies when incorrect utf-8 character is in
It seems that not enough checks are performed when parsing and storing
header values (and maybe header names also). When Dbmail tries to store a
header with incorrect utf-8 character, the exception from PostgreSQL is

Error:[message] _header_value_get_id(+1575): SQLException: ERROR:  invalid
byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xd0 HINT: This error can also happen if
the byte sequ

And LMTPD just dies. I had to switch to message delivering through
dbmail-deliver, it's more reliable when such problems exist.

Would it better for LMTPD not to die in case of errors, but be able to
deliver next messages?

Unfortunately, I can't provide the mail message which caused the problem
(it was canceled by MTA after some days).

 (0002940) maximP (reporter) - 02-Nov-09 17:19
Any thoughts concerning this problem? 

 (0002944) paul (administrator) - 10-Nov-09 20:12

I looked into this. 
Plz try:

 (0002965) Marv-CZ (reporter) - 03-Jan-10 23:13
I have the same problem, but with dbmail-imapd:

Jan  2 19:58:16 talita postgres[7855]: [50-2] STATEMENT:  INSERT INTO
dbmail_header (physmessage_id, headername_id, headervalue_id) VALUES
Jan  2 19:59:37 talita postgres[7855]: [51-1] ERROR:  invalid byte
sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xc3
Jan  2 19:59:37 talita postgres[7855]: [51-2] HINT:  This error can also
happen if the byte sequence does not match the encoding expected by the
server, which is controlled
Jan  2 19:59:37 talita postgres[7855]: [51-3]  by "client_encoding".
Jan  2 19:59:37 talita postgres[7855]: [51-4] STATEMENT:  SELECT id FROM
dbmail_headervalue WHERE hash=$1 and headervalue=$2
Jan  2 19:59:37 talita kernel: pid 7854 (dbmail-imapd), uid 65534: exited
on signal 6

Jan  2 21:34:00 talita postgres[19335]: [2-1] ERROR:  duplicate key value
violates unique constraint "dbmail_header_pkey"
Jan  2 21:34:00 talita postgres[19335]: [2-2] STATEMENT:  INSERT INTO
dbmail_header (physmessage_id, headername_id, headervalue_id) VALUES
Jan  2 21:34:00 talita postgres[19335]: [3-1] ERROR:  invalid byte
sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xc5
Jan  2 21:34:00 talita postgres[19335]: [3-2] HINT:  This error can also
happen if the byte sequence does not match the encoding expected by the
server, which is controlled
Jan  2 21:34:00 talita postgres[19335]: [3-3]  by "client_encoding".
Jan  2 21:34:00 talita postgres[19335]: [3-4] STATEMENT:  SELECT id FROM
dbmail_headervalue WHERE hash=$1 and headervalue=$2
Jan  2 21:34:00 talita kernel: pid 19334 (dbmail-imapd), uid 65534: exited
on signal 6

I have 2 saved mails which reproduce this crash, but over quota 50kB so I
can't post their here. Can I send their anywhere?

Paul's patch doesn't solve it. 

 (0002966) paul (administrator) - 04-Jan-10 08:00

Please send those message to my private address. 

 (0002967) Marv-CZ (reporter) - 04-Jan-10 08:06
I'm not Maxim, I don't know your private address. 

 (0002968) paul (administrator) - 04-Jan-10 08:57
oops. p...@nfg.nl 

 (0003076) Marv-CZ (reporter) - 06-Jul-10 21:59
I have been uploaded here 2 files with messages producing this crash. 

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
09-Sep-09 16:41  maximP         New Issue                                    
02-Nov-09 17:19  maximP         Note Added: 0002940                          
10-Nov-09 20:12  paul           Note Added: 0002944                          
03-Jan-10 23:13  Marv-CZ        Note Added: 0002965                          
04-Jan-10 08:00  paul           Note Added: 0002966                          
04-Jan-10 08:06  Marv-CZ        Note Added: 0002967                          
04-Jan-10 08:57  paul           Note Added: 0002968                          
06-Jul-10 21:46  Marv-CZ        File Added: dbmail-01.eml                    
06-Jul-10 21:46  Marv-CZ        File Added: dbmail-02.eml                    
06-Jul-10 21:59  Marv-CZ        Note Added: 0003076                          

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