A NOTE has been added to this issue. 
Reported By:                jpecar
Assigned To:                
Project:                    DBMail
Issue ID:                   882
Category:                   POP3 daemon
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   major
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     new
Date Submitted:             15-Feb-11 16:48 CET
Last Modified:              16-Feb-11 11:31 CET
Summary:                    pop3d leaks tcp sockets
I've set up some nanny scripts to instruct LVS to redirect traffic to live
pop3d. The script essentialy does "( sleep 3; echo quit ) | nc -w 5
email-test-01 110" and checks if there's an OK in that output.

Few hours after I configured it I noticed that all pop3d instances stopped
responding. I upped the logging level on one and restarted it and surely
the problem repeated. In the logs I noticed 
Feb 15 14:20:06 email-test-01 dbmail/pop3d[8745]: [0x4c4a3c0]
Debug:[server] _sock_cb(+467): 12 2, 0x4c9fe20, ssl:N
Feb 15 14:20:06 email-test-01 dbmail/pop3d[8745]: [0x4c4a3c0]
Error:[server] _sock_cb(+481): Too many open files

and surely, lsof -p on the pop3d process showed many tcp connections in

 (0003164) jasb (reporter) - 15-Feb-11 19:14
Hi Paul,
I believe this is the same bug I've told you on the mailing list a few
month's ago, but never had the change to strace it.
The symptoms are the same. 

 (0003165) jpecar (reporter) - 16-Feb-11 11:31
If you want me, I can use strace/gdb/whatever on it. Just tell me what to
look for. 

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
15-Feb-11 16:48  jpecar         New Issue                                    
15-Feb-11 19:14  jasb           Note Added: 0003164                          
15-Feb-11 19:14  jasb           Issue Monitored: jasb                        
16-Feb-11 11:31  jpecar         Note Added: 0003165                          

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