A NOTE has been added to this issue. 
Reported By:                NetServices
Assigned To:                
Project:                    DBMail
Issue ID:                   916
Category:                   General
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   major
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     new
Date Submitted:             20-Aug-11 10:39 CEST
Last Modified:              20-Aug-11 17:48 CEST
Summary:                    Unable to build on FreeBSD
Unable to build dbmail on FreeBSD 8.1 / 64

Environment is :
autoconf : 2.6.2
automake : 1.9

../configure doesnt work until you add the --with-zdb=/usr switch then all
seems to be ok.

However, the resulting Makefile is broken.

Any attempt to build results in the following cryptic message :

"Makefile", line 1172: Need an operator
make: fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue

Attached config.log

 (0003234) paul (administrator) - 20-Aug-11 11:20
Have you tried rebuilding 'configure' using 'autoreconf -i'?
Are you using gnu make? 

 (0003235) NetServices (reporter) - 20-Aug-11 11:32
Yes to both questions.
Attached is the broken Makefile if it can help. 

 (0003236) paul (administrator) - 20-Aug-11 14:03
Hi there,

could you plz test


which I believe may fix this problem. 

 (0003237) NetServices (reporter) - 20-Aug-11 14:25

Should I just apply this as a patch in the dbmail-3.0.0-rc3 directory ? 

 (0003238) NetServices (reporter) - 20-Aug-11 14:45

1. Applied the patch on a fresh dmail source untar.
2. Ran configure, first without the --wth-zdb thing ==> no luck
3. Ran configure again with the --with-zdb=/usr ===> goes to completion
4. "make all" still gives :

[root@ws1 ~/dbmail-3.0.0-rc3]# make all
"Makefile", line 1171: Need an operator
make: fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue

Attached config.log and Makefile inside the files.zip 

 (0003239) paul (administrator) - 20-Aug-11 17:40
what is your make version?

make --version 

 (0003240) NetServices (reporter) - 20-Aug-11 17:44
MAKE_VERSION 5200408120 

 (0003241) NetServices (reporter) - 20-Aug-11 17:48
FYI, if it's of any help, I've tried to build it on Freebsd 7.4 32bits as
well, it ends up exactly in the same (bad) way. 

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
20-Aug-11 10:39  NetServices    New Issue                                    
20-Aug-11 10:39  NetServices    File Added: config.log.zip                    
20-Aug-11 11:20  paul           Note Added: 0003234                          
20-Aug-11 11:32  NetServices    File Added: Makefile.zip                     
20-Aug-11 11:32  NetServices    Note Added: 0003235                          
20-Aug-11 14:03  paul           Note Added: 0003236                          
20-Aug-11 14:25  NetServices    Note Added: 0003237                          
20-Aug-11 14:45  NetServices    Note Added: 0003238                          
20-Aug-11 14:45  NetServices    File Added: files.zip                        
20-Aug-11 17:40  paul           Note Added: 0003239                          
20-Aug-11 17:44  NetServices    Note Added: 0003240                          
20-Aug-11 17:48  NetServices    Note Added: 0003241                          

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