A NOTE has been added to this issue. 
Reported By:                Bobbnz
Assigned To:                
Project:                    DBMail
Issue ID:                   932
Category:                   IMAP daemon
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   minor
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     new
Date Submitted:             05-Oct-11 05:15 CEST
Last Modified:              05-Oct-11 11:13 CEST
Summary:                    Cannot Append Large Messages - Timeout/Bailout
If you try to append a message and it takes longer than idle_timeout (set
to default 30 seconds) then server disconnects calling

Using Outlook 2010 you get clear message 'dbmail IMAP4 server signing off
due to timeout'. With Thunderbird 7 it just silently fails

Problem can be worked-around by increasing idle_timout in dbmail.conf to a
large number but then of course idle command is not much use.

 (0003283) paul (administrator) - 05-Oct-11 09:23
Afaik, the report is misleading. It's not the idle_timeout that is kicking
in, but the 'timeout' which is set at 5 minutes by default. IDLE
functionality is /not/ affected. 

 (0003284) paul (administrator) - 05-Oct-11 09:34
Correction: even timeout shouldn't kick in since the timeout is reset after
every read-event on the socket.

I need a debug trace (256) to be able to say anything sensible about what
might be going on. 

 (0003288) Bobbnz (reporter) - 05-Oct-11 10:27
To clarify, increasing the idle_timeout to 180 (not the timeout) reliably
corrects this behaviour (assuming that the upload is completed within that

 (0003289) paul (administrator) - 05-Oct-11 11:09
I've deleted your previous note with the logs. Please *attach* the logs.
Don't paste them. Or use a paste-bin somewhere and post the link.


 (0003290) Bobbnz (reporter) - 05-Oct-11 11:13
I did try to attach but file was too big. I can upload a truncated log file
if you want, or do you already have what you need? 

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
05-Oct-11 05:15  Bobbnz         New Issue                                    
05-Oct-11 09:23  paul           Note Added: 0003283                          
05-Oct-11 09:34  paul           Note Added: 0003284                          
05-Oct-11 10:08  Bobbnz         Note Added: 0003287                          
05-Oct-11 10:27  Bobbnz         Note Added: 0003288                          
05-Oct-11 11:08  paul           Note Deleted: 0003287                        
05-Oct-11 11:09  paul           Note Added: 0003289                          
05-Oct-11 11:13  Bobbnz         Note Added: 0003290                          

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