The following issue has been RESOLVED. 
Reported By:                Bobbnz
Assigned To:                paul
Project:                    DBMail
Issue ID:                   941
Category:                   IMAP daemon
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   crash
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     resolved
Resolution:                 fixed
Fixed in Version:           3.0.0-final
Date Submitted:             12-Nov-11 03:31 CET
Last Modified:              13-Nov-11 14:14 CET
Summary:                    IMAP Daemon hang on STARTTLS
SSL connections working fine on port 995
issue STARTTLS and server hangs

 (0003331) Bobbnz (reporter) - 12-Nov-11 04:26 
Sorry, should read port 993 (set as tls port in dbmail.conf)

Update - You dont have to issue STARTTLS, just connecting with non-ssl
client will hang it - eg 'telnet server.domain 993' - SSL connections are
working OK (until it hangs) so I'm guessing I have chained certs done right


 (0003332) paul (administrator) - 12-Nov-11 20:44 

This report is way too thin on details. Since I use STARTTLS all the time
using both thunderbird and k9-mail, your steps to reproduce must be missing

A command-line test of STARTTLS can be done using openssl:

openssl s_client -connect mymailserver:143 -starttls imap

If you can reproduce this reliably, please upload detailed level 511
(anonimized) logs - only the relevant parts - plus dbmail.conf into this

 (0003335) Bobbnz (reporter) - 13-Nov-11 00:19 
Hi Paul

To reproduce the problem you need to specify tls port (in this case 993)
in dbmail.conf. Then just connect to port 993 with standard telnet client
and issue anything at all and imapd will hang. 

Without tls_port specified, TLS is working fine on port 143 so not a
showstopper unless you need ssl on 993



 (0003337) paul (administrator) - 13-Nov-11 12:45 
The ssl socket is blocking, and you are doing a denial-of-service attach on
it. Doing a plain telnet on a SSL socket is invalid, and should be dealt
with by dropping the connection if a ssl negotiation is not started on it.
Also, SSL sockets must be made non-blocking. 

 (0003338) paul (administrator) - 13-Nov-11 12:46 
Correction: only the listening socket must be made non-blocking. Active
connections already are non-blocking. 

 (0003339) Bobbnz (reporter) - 13-Nov-11 13:01 
It was Outlook trying to do tls that started the problem, I just used
telnet for easy illustration. It's a dos vulnerabilty that can be triggered
too easily by accident.Fwiw - Pop3 ssl on 995 seems ok :) 

 (0003340) paul (administrator) - 13-Nov-11 14:14 
pls try

which I believe fixes this behaviour:

- ssl sockets are non-blocking on accept
- handle SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ/WRITE errors during accept 

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
12-Nov-11 03:31  Bobbnz         New Issue                                    
12-Nov-11 03:40  Bobbnz         Note Added: 0003331                          
12-Nov-11 04:26  Bobbnz         Note Edited: 0003331                         
12-Nov-11 20:44  paul           Note Added: 0003332                          
13-Nov-11 00:07  Bobbnz         File Added: dbmail.err.bob                    
13-Nov-11 00:07  Bobbnz         File Added: dbmail.conf                      
13-Nov-11 00:13  Bobbnz         Note Added: 0003335                          
13-Nov-11 00:18  Bobbnz         Note Added: 0003336                          
13-Nov-11 00:18  Bobbnz         Note Deleted: 0003336                        
13-Nov-11 00:19  Bobbnz         Note Edited: 0003335                         
13-Nov-11 12:45  paul           Note Added: 0003337                          
13-Nov-11 12:46  paul           Note Added: 0003338                          
13-Nov-11 13:01  Bobbnz         Note Added: 0003339                          
13-Nov-11 14:14  paul           Note Added: 0003340                          
13-Nov-11 14:14  paul           Assigned To               => paul            
13-Nov-11 14:14  paul           Status                   new => resolved     
13-Nov-11 14:14  paul           Resolution               open => fixed       
13-Nov-11 14:14  paul           Fixed in Version          => 3.0.0-final     

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