A NOTE has been added to this issue. 
Reported By:                jasb
Assigned To:                
Project:                    DBMail
Issue ID:                   834
Category:                   POP3 daemon
Reproducibility:            have not tried
Severity:                   minor
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     new
Date Submitted:             25-Jan-10 17:06 CET
Last Modified:              01-Dec-11 18:23 CET
Summary:                    Too many open files (POP3D)
Howdy Paul,

Since I’m using 2.3.6, maybe from November or so, today happened
something that never did.

The POP3 service just hang.

lira:~# telnet localhost 110
Connected to localhost.localdomain.
Escape character is '^]'.

Connection closed by foreign host.

after killing it and start again everything’s working fine.
I have no debug logs!

I saw on the logs this:

Jan 20 13:48:56 lira dbmail/pop3d[3717]: [0x9c07f80] Error:[server]
server_sock_cb(+449): Too many open files

Don’t know if this help’s on tracking some leak on POP3D.
One thing that may help that I saw looking at the log, this may happen
‘cause of the “attach” of the spammer sending known users to the
pop3d , and that may be the reason that make it hang with the error “Too
many open files”, so the leak may be there.
Log is attached,
Anything you need say,



 (0003018) waza123 (reporter) - 01-Feb-10 17:03
the same !!

Feb 01 09:18:40 www dbmail-pop3d[22070]: [0x8055f60] EMERGENCY:[server]
_sock_cb(+487): getpeername::error [Transport endpoint is not connected]


 (0003019) paul (administrator) - 01-Feb-10 16:34
Not the same.

an emergency exit is *not* the same as a segfault.

the getpeername error is an indication that the client has hung up before
a connection could be initialized. This should of course not lead to a
program exit. 

 (0003021) jasb (reporter) - 03-Feb-10 10:38
Happened again.
Tell me, the leaks that you have been fixing on HEAD, does anyone has
anything to do with POP3? 

 (0003022) paul (administrator) - 03-Feb-10 13:16
No. Unrelated. Try taking lsof snapshots of the system when the error

 (0003025) jasb (reporter) - 04-Feb-10 21:41
Hum, dificult.
Can i ask you to write a bash or perl script, to issue for example 20.000
login attempts againts POP3D, so that i can catch that information?

I don't have skill's to write that script, sorry :( 

 (0003028) jasb (reporter) - 18-Feb-10 10:43
I asked a friend to make me a perl script to do this, and I did the

-Issue 50.000 connections with wrong username and passwd, server behave
-Issue 50.000 connection with valid user & passwd, server behave OK

now, o could simulate a login, and message retrieve, to do this, which
commands should i send to server (without delete any message):

4-RETR msg_id

confirm me if this OK, so that i can simulate it. 

 (0003281) jasb (reporter) - 04-Oct-11 17:01
Hi Paul,
Since last time I reported this, I got the POP3D hang today, right after a
restart, and I just saw that someone tried to login with several users
Attached there's the log.
Is there a way that you can simulate this to see if in the last GIT still
has this problem?
This can't be the system open file limit 'cause I have it set to 2Milion

 (0003282) jasb (reporter) - 04-Oct-11 17:03
I did a small strace to the hang pid, but only had this, and since it
didn't moved for long time, I just canceled it.

lira:~# strace -p 12010
Process 12010 attached - interrupt to quit
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {611842, 882460720}) = 0
epoll_wait(9, ^C <unfinished ...>
Process 12010 detached

lira:~# cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max

 (0003285) paul (administrator) - 05-Oct-11 09:35

Next time it happens do a 'lsof -p <PID>' to see what files where opened. 

 (0003286) paul (administrator) - 05-Oct-11 09:44
Just looking at your last log. Smells like a DoS. You should most
definitely take a look at fail2ban. 

 (0003292) jasb (reporter) - 05-Oct-11 11:35
Hi Paul,
That, it was what I was trying to say but missed the words, those login
Anyway the POP3D should not hang when this happen, right?

I'm going to try to do a script with the same to see if I can "hang" pop3d
to get that info for you. 

 (0003295) paul (administrator) - 05-Oct-11 12:25
DoS is very difficult to fix inside dbmail.  I have no trouble believing
you can DoS dbmail. You should fix this on the outside, by improving your
perimeter defenses: your firewall combined with a tool like fail2ban. 

 (0003296) jasb (reporter) - 16-Oct-11 00:27

Besides the part of the DoS, here's the lsof -p for you, just happened
again, and again the same type of attack.
Check the attached file. 

 (0003350) vampyre (reporter) - 30-Nov-11 18:41
Hi Paul,

Is it only brute force can cause such issue?

And if this  is so can I find the guilty? (ip of client) ?

I found something similar on my machine. It looks like the socket accept
the connection while no greeting from dbmail is followed.

I've tried to trace it, but no luck, are the any ideas? 
(gdb) bt
http://www.dbmail.org/mantis/view.php?id=0  0x00000033452e6ee3 in epoll_wait ()
from /lib64/libc.so.6
http://www.dbmail.org/mantis/view.php?id=1  0x000000334ec12eab in ?? () from
http://www.dbmail.org/mantis/view.php?id=2  0x000000334ec064f3 in
event_base_loop () from
http://www.dbmail.org/mantis/view.php?id=3  0x000000334f048ab1 in server_run
(conf=0x7fffd77b3990) at
http://www.dbmail.org/mantis/view.php?id=4  0x000000334f04905c in
server_mainloop (config=0x7fffd77b3990,
service=0x41f7ae "IMAP", servicename=0x41f7fc "dbmail-imapd") at
http://www.dbmail.org/mantis/view.php?id=5  0x0000000000418d27 in main (argc=1,
argv=0x7fffd77b72f8) at
(gdb) exit

 (0003351) paul (administrator) - 01-Dec-11 09:49

the guilty IP should be in your logs. I don't know your situation, but for
Jorge his logs in jasbpop3.zip clearly show what's going on: brute force
attack. It would be trivial to configure tools like fail2ban to inject
firewall rules when someone repeatedly tries and fails to login from the
same IP adress.

iptables also supports throttling SYNC/ACK. Below example will limit the
number of connections to 10 connections per minute per IP address.

/sbin/iptables -t filter -A INPUT --jump ACCEPT -p tcp --dport 110 -m
state --state NEW -m recent --set --name POP3

/sbin/iptables -t filter -A INPUT --jump LOG --log-prefix INPUT_DROP: -p
tcp --dport 110 -m recent --update --seconds 60 --hitcount 10 --rttl --name
/sbin/iptables -t filter -A INPUT --jump DROP -p tcp --dport 110 -m recent
--update --seconds 60 --hitcount 10 --rttl --name POP3 

personally I prefer the fail2ban approach because SYN/ACK throttling will
also limit valid connections. 

 (0003352) vampyre (reporter) - 01-Dec-11 18:23
Aha, now I see, there is a debug in pop3.c but no in imap4.c, I am using
I've just made a grep along the new dbmail code:
vampyre@duffy:~/dbmail$ grep -r "coming from" *
src/dm_misc.h.orig: * \brief discards all input coming from instream
src/pop3.c:                     TRACE(TRACE_ERR, "user [%s] coming from [%s] 
tried to login
with wrong password", 
src/dm_misc.h: * \brief discards all input coming from instream
test/check_dbmail_deliver.c: * \brief discards all input coming from

Please add the debug message for imap4.c or correct me if I wrong. 

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
25-Jan-10 17:06  jasb           New Issue                                    
25-Jan-10 17:06  jasb           File Added: pop3_too_many_open_files.zip        
01-Feb-10 15:49  waza123        Note Added: 0003018                          
01-Feb-10 16:34  paul           Note Added: 0003019                          
01-Feb-10 17:03  paul           Note Edited: 0003018                         
03-Feb-10 10:38  jasb           Note Added: 0003021                          
03-Feb-10 13:16  paul           Note Added: 0003022                          
04-Feb-10 21:41  jasb           Note Added: 0003025                          
18-Feb-10 10:43  jasb           Note Added: 0003028                          
04-Oct-11 17:01  jasb           Note Added: 0003281                          
04-Oct-11 17:01  jasb           File Added: jasbpop3.zip                     
04-Oct-11 17:03  jasb           Note Added: 0003282                          
05-Oct-11 09:35  paul           Note Added: 0003285                          
05-Oct-11 09:44  paul           Note Added: 0003286                          
05-Oct-11 11:35  jasb           Note Added: 0003292                          
05-Oct-11 12:25  paul           Note Added: 0003295                          
16-Oct-11 00:27  jasb           Note Added: 0003296                          
16-Oct-11 00:30  jasb           File Added: pop3_hang.zip                    
30-Nov-11 18:41  vampyre        Note Added: 0003350                          
01-Dec-11 09:49  paul           Note Added: 0003351                          
01-Dec-11 18:23  vampyre        Note Added: 0003352                          

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