I figured it out, I cant pass pointers to snprintf or it seg faults.
Ive only been coding c for a little less than 48 hours so far. So if
you will when I am done give your critiqe on what I am doing. Its
almost there, I'm just having a problem with db_user_exist passing
back -1019938392 for the idnr of the user. I will tell you later. in
like 24 hours.

I think it will help with things, maybe I am a fool, I have no idea.
More than likely I am just a fool

On 03/31/2012 at 4:03 AM, Paul J Stevens  wrote:On 03/31/2012 06:52
AM, skr...@hushmail.com wrote:
> I'm new to c programming. I am trying to make a mod to the mysql
> module. 

There is no such a module..., either the 2.2 mysql module, or the sql
auth module.

Just curious: what are you trying to do?

> Except it totally segfaults every time. I was wondering how do I
> just debug the module compared to the daemon, because the running
gdb on
> the imap server doesn't really say much. I am probably doing it

Working on the codebase, and especially on the modules running a
build is a must. It will speed up the builds, and will allow gdb to
better track of symbols.

Just run configure with

--enable-static=yes --enable-shared=no

and add to CFLAGS:


so the debugging symbols aren't stripped.

If you are on a debian/ubuntu/mint system you can also do as I do:
export DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=debug,devel,sieve && fakeroot debian/rules
clean stamps configure dbmail
Paul J Stevens        pjstevns @ gmail, twitter, skype, linkedin

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