A NOTE has been added to this issue. 
Reported By:                elfring
Assigned To:                
Project:                    DBMail
Issue ID:                   966
Category:                   General
Reproducibility:            have not tried
Severity:                   major
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     new
Date Submitted:             08-Apr-12 19:10 CEST
Last Modified:              08-Apr-12 20:17 CEST
Summary:                    Completion of error handling
I have looked at a few source files for your current software. I have
noticed that some checks for return codes are missing.

Would you like to add more error handling for return values from functions
like the following?
- chmod ⇒ pidfile_create

- printf ⇒ main

 (0003432) paul (administrator) - 08-Apr-12 19:41

Whenever not checking a return value could lead to degraded behavior of
the program I would happily accept that as a bug. In either of the cases
you report however, no such degraded behavior is even remotely conceivable.

So either you are for real or you're just trolling. Either way, when you
submit a 'major' bug, at the very least at least describe the actual

 (0003433) elfring (reporter) - 08-Apr-12 20:17
I suggest to avoid unchecked function calls.
Would you like to detect every error situation as early as possible? 

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
08-Apr-12 19:10  elfring        New Issue                                    
08-Apr-12 19:13  elfring        Issue Monitored: elfring                     
08-Apr-12 19:41  paul           Note Added: 0003432                          
08-Apr-12 20:17  elfring        Note Added: 0003433                          

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