A NOTE has been added to this issue. 
Reported By:                cmayo
Assigned To:                
Project:                    DBMail
Issue ID:                   983
Category:                   General
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   major
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     new
Date Submitted:             09-Sep-12 22:29 CEST
Last Modified:              11-Sep-12 20:40 CEST
Summary:                    dbmail Python module not working with Python 2.7 and
dbmail 3
Some suggestions for improvements to the Python module:

0001 - pyflakes reported unused imports and filter variable
0002 - use Python's built in ConfigParser to read dbmail.conf. Only used
inside the module, the external interface is preserved
0003 - driver name in dbmail 3 is postgresql not pgsql
0004 - raising strings was deprecated in Python 2.5 and is not supported
in Python 2.7
0005 - update testDbmail.py for changes in dbmail.conf and remove unused
error strings.
I haven't tested autoreply.


 (0003485) paul (administrator) - 10-Sep-12 10:40
Why the 'major' severity? Is anyone actually using that - very old - code? 

 (0003486) cmayo (reporter) - 11-Sep-12 20:40
I would say the severity couldn't be more major - it doesn't work any

But the priority may well be a lot less. I agree it seems unlikely anyone
is trying to use it. I'm not - I just tried it out as a result of an

I do suggest to either fix it up or remove it. 

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
09-Sep-12 22:29  cmayo          New Issue                                    
09-Sep-12 22:29  cmayo          File Added:
09-Sep-12 22:29  cmayo          Note Added: 0003484                          
09-Sep-12 22:29  cmayo          Note Deleted: 0003484                        
09-Sep-12 22:30  cmayo          File Added:
09-Sep-12 22:30  cmayo          File Added:
09-Sep-12 22:30  cmayo          File Added:
09-Sep-12 22:30  cmayo          File Added:
10-Sep-12 10:40  paul           Note Added: 0003485                          
11-Sep-12 20:40  cmayo          Note Added: 0003486                          

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