I found out that dm_base_subject() function (dm_misc.c) doesn't handle nested 
fwd's in header.
dm_base_subject() returns "]]" for such input string: "re: [fwd: [fwd: re: 
[fwd: babylon]]]"
Also it seems like sort-subject takes subjectfield for sorting, but it should 
sort by base subject instead (sortfield) according to RFC 5256.
I'll try to find out what else could break sorting.

Четверг,  1 августа 2013, 17:05 +02:00 от Paul J Stevens <p...@nfg.nl>:
>On 08/01/2013 02:52 PM, . . wrote:
>> Hi! It seams like dbmail doesn't sort by subject correctly.
>> Imaptest has "sort-subject" test in it, and dbmail fails to pass all 3
>> subtests in it.
>> Also thread-orderedsubject and thread-orderedsubject2 tests from
>> imaptest fail.
>> So the question is - do these problems relate to dbmail and not to
>> imaptest itself, and if so, are there any plans to fix them?
>> (I've attached sort-subject test logs)
>I know about them. I haven't investigated much yet.
>Paul J Stevens        pjstevns @ gmail, twitter, skype, linkedin
>  * Premium Hosting Services and Web Application Consultancy *
>            www.nfg.nl/i...@nfg.nl/+31.85.877.99.97

. .
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