It seams like dbmail fails to parse incomming message correctly, if it has 
content type "message/rfc822" with submessage with content type 
I've attached test files from latest imaptest (fetch-body-message-rfc822-mime 
and fetch-body-message-rfc822-mime.mbox, which contains the problem message 
itself) and log files (test.log and rawlog.1).
dbmail doesn't "see" internal message parts at all and returns NIL to commands 
like "fetch 1 (body.peek[1.2.TEXT])" or "fetch 1 (body.peek[1.1.HEADER])".
I'm not sure for now what can be done to fix this, so I just want to bring up 
your attention to this problem if you don't know about it yet.
Maybe the problem is not with dbmail itself, but rather with gmime parser. I've 
tried to build dbmail with latest gmime (2.6.16), but the problem is still 

Attachment: fetch-body-message-rfc822-mime.mbox
Description: Binary data

Attachment: fetch-body-message-rfc822-mime
Description: Binary data

Attachment: test.log
Description: Binary data

Attachment: rawlog.1
Description: Binary data

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