A NOTE has been added to this issue. 
Reported By:                igorbelykh86
Assigned To:                
Project:                    DBMail
Issue ID:                   1019
Category:                   Database layer
Reproducibility:            have not tried
Severity:                   minor
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     new
Date Submitted:             16-Aug-13 19:14 CEST
Last Modified:              03-Dec-13 13:41 CET
Summary:                    sql exception

I've upgraded the dbmail from 3.0.2 to 3.1.2. I'm trying to start dbmail
but get the errors:

Aug 16 18:22:47 server1 dbmail-imapd[25219]: [0x1042a40] Critical:[libzdb]
TabortHandler(+43): AssertException: C
 raised in Connection_close at src/db/Connection.c:247

Aug 16 18:22:47 server1 dbmail-lmtpd[25222]: [0x1016a40] Critical:[libzdb]
TabortHandler(+43): SQLException: Failed to start connection pool --
database protocol 'sqlite' not supported
 raised in ConnectionPool_start at src/db/ConnectionPool.c:287

But I'm using mysql database. In /etc/dbmail.conf I've set `driver =
How to fix it?


 (0003556) igorbelykh86 (reporter) - 16-Aug-13 19:17
i've tried to add --with-mysql option. but the configure script said that
the option is unrecognized 

 (0003557) paul (administrator) - 16-Aug-13 19:45
You need to specify --sysconfdir=/etc to force the dbmail.conf location to

The default location has moved to ${prefix}/etc where the prefix is passed
to configure --prefix=<PREFIX> which defaults to /usr/local

Your installation has probably generated a new, default config file in

 (0003558) igorbelykh86 (reporter) - 16-Aug-13 20:31
Thank you very much, Paul, for your reply. Now it works fine! 

 (0003615) abrus (reporter) - 03-Dec-13 13:41
Seems to be no open issue anymore? And no bug at all? 

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
16-Aug-13 19:14  igorbelykh86   New Issue                                    
16-Aug-13 19:17  igorbelykh86   Note Added: 0003556                          
16-Aug-13 19:45  paul           Note Added: 0003557                          
16-Aug-13 20:31  igorbelykh86   Note Added: 0003558                          
03-Dec-13 13:41  abrus          Note Added: 0003615                          

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