A NOTE has been added to this issue. 
Reported By:                PeterS
Assigned To:                
Project:                    DBMail
Issue ID:                   1081
Category:                   Authentication layer
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   major
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     new
Date Submitted:             10-Aug-16 23:27 CEST
Last Modified:              11-Aug-16 19:57 CEST
Summary:                    DBmail ABEND'ing upon LDAP access error.
I've been trying to find a version of DBmail 3.X that does not ABEND while
it is accessing LDAP.  I have not been able to determine the sequence of
events that causes the ABEND, however it happens to me many many times a
day.  I've written a script around the execution of DBmail to ensure that
it restarts when it ABENDs.

 (0003740) PeterS (reporter) - 11-Aug-16 19:57
Persuant to the "Bug posting etiquette", yesterday I pulled a clean,
newest, version of DBmail from GIT, compiled it, installed it, cleared the
dbmail.err log, and started it.  Since then I have received 14 ABENDs.

[compiler@swlx143 dbmail-git]$ date ; git status -u no
Thu Aug 11 13:02:11 CDT 2016
# On branch master
nothing to commit (working directory clean)
[compiler@swlx143 dbmail-git]$ 

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
10-Aug-16 23:27  PeterS         New Issue                                    
10-Aug-16 23:27  PeterS         File Added: dbmail.err                       
11-Aug-16 19:57  PeterS         Note Added: 0003740                          

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