At 08:43 12/08/2002 -0500, Bret Baptist wrote:

Have any of you thoought about using Amavis?  Amavisd-new can scan mail for
viruses and spam in transport.  Meaning you can have postfix forward to
amavis, amavis gives it back to postfix, postfix delivers to dbmail for final
  Amavisd-new also has the ability to get individual users settings
for spam and virus scanning from a database.  Sounds like what you guys are
looking for.  I am using that solution currently and has been working great
for me.

We're currently using another anti-virus product; but I'd prefer to keep virus scans before SPAM scans. The virus scan should be done ASAP after a message is received, and be done for all users. The SPAM scanning needs to be done by user preference, and as such it has to be handled very late, since one message can be addressed to multiple users who may all have different anti-spam settings.

We also have a pretty broad selection of virtual users, and determining the prefs to apply is actually quite hard to do until just before the message is placed in a mailbox.

Which is why we put virus scanning early in the process and use Postfix as you suggest, but use SpamAssassin at delivery time.

Bret Baptist
Systems and Technical Support Specialist
Internet Exposure, Inc.

(612)676-1946 x17
Web Development-Web Marketing-ISP Services

Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.

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