On Wed, 2002-09-11 at 14:31, Philip Warner wrote:
> A few suggestions...
> ------------------------
> We use multiple PostgreSQL instances on different ports; this is not 
> uncommon and insulates one PostgreSQL instance from others. I am happy to 
> submit (trivial) patches for this.
great! i'll add this and save your patches in a special place :)

> 2. Support for choosing DB, Password, Port on command line (or file, or 
> environment)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Avoids a recompile if you change port or database, or run multiple 
> instances. I am happy to do the work for this; however it may be worth 
> doing it as part of a breakup of the config settings into file-based and 
> db-based. The file-based settings could be limited to enough information to 
> connect to the DB.
some consideration is required here: last week there have been several
posts on the config issue; should we pass the table and use config
files? Commandline options? A file might be the easiest solution; maybe
a default config-file which will be overrided by explicitly specified
files on the command line.
Support for this however is needed IMO to complete the first official

> 3. Nice way to kill IMAPD and POP3D
> -----------------------------------
> Not sure of the recommended approach, but pop3d seems to go cpu bound if it 
> is killed. It would also be good to have a way to get imapd to reload 
> config (if not already supported).

Nice way. Hmm. I always use killall -9; not too nice indeed. We could
catch the SIG_TERM however and make sure the daemons exit normally when
caught. A config reload could be done by some other signal; the main
process then should kill all it's children, reread config and restart. I
thin using a 'nice' kill and restarting would be just as easy while
demanding less work.
Not sure what you mean by 'cpu bound' however..

> 4. Nice-to-have: break up mail headers into a table
> ---------------------------------------------------
> ie. parse the mail headers and store (a copy?) in a separate table. eg.
> Create Table message_headers(id, message_idnr, header, value) might contain:
>    <unique-id>, <message-id>, 'to', '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
>    <unique-id>, <message-id>, 'from', '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
> etc.

See the other mail i send; would like this in the future.

> At 02:08 PM 11/09/2002 +0200, Roel Rozendaal wrote:
> >Hi all,
> >
> >indeed, as Marc pointed out, some structure and work is needed right now. 
> >My idea of the previous TODO-list question was to be able to gather the 
> >essential points to include for the final first release. New plan: I will 
> >scan all replies to this message every day for requests. Just one line of 
> >explanation should be sufficient to describe it; underneath it you could 
> >type some more. The goal is then to have a structured to-do list by the 
> >end of this week (maybe monday) like:
> >
> >REQUEST                    WHO                        WHY
> >multiple usernames        Marc Mackay            uses 2 ISP's and 1 dbmail
> >
> >Probably i'll add some accept/denied/delayed field :)
> >At the end of each day i will send an updated version.
> >
> >Hope you'll find this approach not too bitchy but we're *really* busy and 
> >by using this method i would be able to have a list containing everything 
> >left todo for the release. Please include not-applied patches as well as a 
> >request.
> >
> >Finally: i like the idea of using some programming skills and resources 
> >from this list; maybe we could distribute some requests when the list is 
> >complete.
> >
> >IMPORTANT: (just pops into my head right now :-) some bugfixes have been 
> >submitted and not applied please put a request for those as well.
> >
> >Hope we will finish this job soon together & conquer the world with dbmail..
> >
> >regards roel
> >
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Philip Warner                    |     __---_____
> Albatross Consulting Pty. Ltd.   |----/       -  \
> (A.B.N. 75 008 659 498)          |          /(@)   ______---_
> Tel: (+61) 0500 83 82 81         |                 _________  \
> Fax: (+61) 0500 83 82 82         |                 ___________ |
> Http://www.rhyme.com.au          |                /           \|
>                                   |    --________--
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