-------         ---
fix md5         Broken on Sparc (64bit, big endian).

(comments)      No patch here, sorry, but we'll sure make
                a login to our server available if you'd like
                refer to:

md5 passwords   (rather than crypt() or plaintext)

                Patch available via email or:

unique_id fixes tmp empty value fails with database constraints

                I made a patch not long ago, which still has
                problems with multiple dbmail-smtp's injecting
                simultaneously - I'll try to have a new fix
                for that soon.

custom/variable bounce message

                This could be a variant of Ryan Butler's "status"
                patch for temp disabling accounts, eg. if "staus" is
                0, the account is enabled, if > 0 it's an index
                into a table of messages to return in the bounc
                (maybe along with the smtp error code).

Jesse Norell

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