Hi Philip,

For what i know a LIMIT instruction should never result in a different query execution scheme. A limit is always a query result subset and will never involve the actual query itself. Subsequently analyze won't be able to optimize anything because a query with limit clause cannot be more efficient.

I think this is a postgresql scanner bug :)

Best regards,


On donderdag, nov 21, 2002, at 15:14 Europe/Amsterdam, Philip Warner wrote:

At 01:05 AM 22/11/2002 +1100, Philip Warner wrote:
I have confirmed that I get the same strategy as you on an empty DB; I think you should run an ANALYZE then try the query again. We run an analyze every night.

I should point out that as of recent versions of PG (7.1?), ANALYZE is a lot cheaper than it used to be: current implementations take a random sampling of data from each table file -- they no longer scan the entire database.

It samples a statistically relevant proportion of the data to build a profile, which the planner/optimizer then uses. Without running it, you will definitely see odd behaviour, most likely based on a near empty database.

The optimizer output from your earlier queries seems to indicate that it thinks the messageblks table has 1453 rows. If the database is really 5GB, then I think it is planning based on very old analysis.

Philip Warner                    |     __---_____
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