well from the logs it is clear that the message is inserted for mailbox 156:

[INSERT INTO messages(mailbox_idnr,messagesize,unique_id,interna
l_date,recent_flag,status) VALUES (156, 0, \\\"\\\", \\\"2003-01-17
10:53:03\\\", 1, \\\'005\\\')]

could it be that the login's are mixed up in some way? could you verify the existence of the message in mailbox 81 from the database?

Kasper Haagensen heeft op donderdag, 23 jan 2003 om 10:06 (Europe/Amsterdam) het volgende geschreven:

The one there get\'s it:
user_idnr: 18
mailbox_idnr: 81

The one there should get it:
user_idnr: 23
mailbox_idnr: 156

---- Original Message ----
From: Roel Rozendaal - IC&S <dbmail@dbmail.org>
To: dbmail@dbmail.org
Subject: Re: [Dbmail] Delever to wrong adresse
Sent: Thu, 23 Jan 2003 09:40:52 +0100

and what is the id of the user who actually gets the message? and what
is it\'s mailbox_idnr?

Kasper Haagensen heeft op donderdag, 23 jan 2003 om 09:23
(Europe/Amsterdam) het volgende geschreven:

This is from my log file. The correct user has number 23, so it does
not from me sound wrong:

Jan 17 10:53:02 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: read_header(): header
size [881]
Jan 17 10:53:02 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: read_header(): function
Jan 17 10:53:02 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: mime_readheader():
entering mime loop
Jan 17 10:53:02 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: mime_readheader(): found
double newline; header size: 19 lines
Jan 17 10:53:02 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: mail_adr_list():
mimelist currently has [15] nodes
Jan 17 10:53:02 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: mail_adr_list(): mail
address parser starting
Jan 17 10:53:02 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: mail_adr_list(): total
fields in header 15
Jan 17 10:53:02 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: mail_adr_list():
scanning for Return-Path
Jan 17 10:53:02 northzell last message repeated 14 times
Jan 17 10:53:02 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: mail_adr_list(): found 0
Jan 17 10:53:02 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: mail_adr_list(): mail
address parser finished
Jan 17 10:53:02 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: mail_adr_list():
mimelist currently has [15] nodes
Jan 17 10:53:02 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: mail_adr_list(): mail
address parser starting
Jan 17 10:53:02 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: mail_adr_list(): total
fields in header 15
Jan 17 10:53:02 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: mail_adr_list():
scanning for From
Jan 17 10:53:02 northzell last message repeated 12 times
Jan 17 10:53:02 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: mail_adr_list(): found
[EMAIL PROTECTED], next in list is (null)
Jan 17 10:53:02 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: mail_adr_list():
scanning for From
Jan 17 10:53:02 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: mail_adr_list():
scanning for From
Jan 17 10:53:02 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: mail_adr_list(): found 1
Jan 17 10:53:02 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: mail_adr_list(): mail
address parser finished
Jan 17 10:53:02 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: main(): using
SPECIAL_DELIVERY to email addresses
Jan 17 10:53:02 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: mail_adr_list_special():
gathering info from command line
Jan 17 10:53:02 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: mail_adr_list_special():
adding [EMAIL PROTECTED] to userlist
Jan 17 10:53:02 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: auth_check_user():
checking user [EMAIL PROTECTED] in alias table
Jan 17 10:53:02 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: auth_check_user():
executing query, checks [-1]
Jan 17 10:53:02 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: __auth_query():
executing query [SELECT deliver_to FROM aliases WHERE > alias=\\\"[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jan 17 10:53:02 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: auth_check_user(): user
[EMAIL PROTECTED] not in aliases table
Jan 17 10:53:02 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: insert_messages(): user
[EMAIL PROTECTED] found total of [0] aliases
Jan 17 10:53:02 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: insert_messages(): no
users found to deliver to. Checking for domain forwards
Jan 17 10:53:02 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: insert_messages():
checking for domain aliases. Domain = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jan 17 10:53:02 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: auth_check_user():
checking user [EMAIL PROTECTED] in alias table
Jan 17 10:53:03 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: auth_check_user():
executing query, checks [-1]
Jan 17 10:53:03 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: __auth_query():
executing query [SELECT deliver_to FROM aliases WHERE > alias=\\\"@vinferie
Jan 17 10:53:03 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: auth_check_user(): into
checking loop
Jan 17 10:53:03 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: auth_check_user():
checking user @vinferie.dk to 23
Jan 17 10:53:03 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: auth_check_user():
checking user [23] in alias table
Jan 17 10:53:03 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: auth_check_user():
executing query, checks [1]
Jan 17 10:53:03 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: __auth_query():
executing query [SELECT deliver_to FROM aliases WHERE alias=\\\"23\\\"]
Jan 17 10:53:03 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: auth_check_user():
adding [23] to deliver_to address
Jan 17 10:53:03 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: insert_messages():
domain [EMAIL PROTECTED] found total of [1] aliases
Jan 17 10:53:03 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: insert_messages(): alias
deliver_to is [23]
Jan 17 10:53:03 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: db_query(): executing
[SELECT mailbox_idnr FROM mailboxes WHERE name=\\\'INBOX\\\' AND owner
Jan 17 10:53:03 northzell dbmail/smtp[18835]: db_query(): executing
[INSERT INTO messages(mailbox_idnr,messagesize,unique_id,interna
l_date,recent_flag,status) VALUES (156, 0, \\\"\\\", \\\"2003-01-17
10:53:03\\\", 1, \\\'005\\\')]

---- Original Message ----
From: Roel Rozendaal - IC&S <dbmail@dbmail.org>
To: dbmail@dbmail.org
Subject: Re: [Dbmail] Delever to wrong adresse
Sent: Thu, 23 Jan 2003 09:23:56 +0100

never heard of this problem before - could you check the aliases table? To what address is the mail send, what is it\\\'s corresponding entry in
the aliases table, which entries does the wrong user (the one getting
the mail) have in the aliases table, to which mailboxes are those users
connected etc.

regards roel

Kasper Haagensen heeft op donderdag, 23 jan 2003 om 08:36
(Europe/Amsterdam) het volgende geschreven:


I have some problem, som of my email goes to the wrong user?

When i check my log-file and MySQL-setup i can not find anything

Has other, experience the same sort of problem and have anyone got an
idea of, what is going wrong here?

Dbmail mailing list

Met vriendelijke groet,

Roel Rozendaal

R.A. Rozendaal
ICT Manager
T: +31 30 2322878
F: +31 30 2322305

Dbmail mailing list

-- End Original Message --

Dbmail mailing list

Met vriendelijke groet,

Roel Rozendaal

R.A. Rozendaal
ICT Manager
T: +31 30 2322878
F: +31 30 2322305

Dbmail mailing list

-- End Original Message --

Dbmail mailing list

Met vriendelijke groet,

Roel Rozendaal

R.A. Rozendaal
ICT Manager
T: +31 30 2322878
F: +31 30 2322305

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