
Though I use postfix instead of sm, I run a similar setup as yours.
Yes, you can tell dbmail-smtp to deliver messages to a specific folder. The -m
switch does the trick.

A typical dynamic procmail filter for mailinglists would be:

* ^List-Id: \/.*
 LISTNAME=`echo $MATCH|sed 's/<\([^\.]*\)\..*>.*/\1/'`
 :0: list.$LISTNAME
 | /usr/sbin/dbmail-smtp -m list/$LISTNAME

One caveat though: dbmail-smtp like dmail does not create mailboxes automagically. Unless you run a dbmail installation patched to do this. Vanilla 1.1 doesn't autocreate mailboxes.

Matthew T. O'Connor wrote:

My current mail setup (not dbmail which I am still learning) uses
procmail as the LDA (is that the right term?).  Sendmail calls it to
actually deliver the email to my mailboxes.  I find this highly useful
as I have procmail sort my mail into all my different mailboxes, this
keeps high volume mailing lists in their respective folders etc...  I
don't see how to do this using dbmail.  Is there some way for procmail
to tell dbmail-smtp to put this message in a particular folder?  Is
there some dbmail related program that procmail could call to do the
delivery to the database?  UoW imap has a program called dmail which
procmail can call to deliver messages to mailbox formats it doesn't
understand, I use mbx (not mbox) mailboxes right now for performance
I don't want to have all my email delivered to my INBOX and sorted into
folders by a mail client such as evolution.  I am constantly connecting
to my imap server from different locations and using different clients. In any given day I might use squirrel mail, evolution, kmail and Outlook
Express, so I can't maintain message sorting rules in the mail client.

So I need some solution for server based message sorting that happens at
delivery time.

Thanks much,

Matthew T. O'Connor

Dbmail mailing list

 Paul Stevens                                  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 NET FACILITIES GROUP                     PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The Netherlands________________________________

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