Hello jma,

jdd> First I would like to know what database you think is the best? I
jdd> read that Mysql is the fastest one compared to PostGreSql. What
jdd> is the difference between InnoDB and MySql?

While InnoDB can be run on its own, the way most people would do so is
as PART of MySQL, so there really isn't a "difference"... InnoDB adds
features to MySQL, such as the ability to handle databases over 4GB on
operating systems that do not support files that big. It also allows
for some language features not found in the older versions of MySQL,
such as transactions.

jdd> Second im considering how to send a mail from a Webmail. I'm
jdd> right now only running a Tomcat Webserver and i'm not interested
jdd> in installing Apache. Therefore I want to make my own Webmail,
jdd> using JSP. But how do I send a mail? Do I just write a record in
jdd> the database or what do I do?

SENDING mail is not changed by dbmail - that's a function of your Mail
Transport Agent, such as Postfix, Sendmail, or whatever. dbmail is the
delivery mechanism for local users.

Jeff Brenton
Engineered Software Products, Inc
Questionable web page: http://dididahdahdidit.com

Liberalism grants you the freedom to advocate any idea*.
 * Please see http://www.dididahdahdidit.com/except.php for a
   current list of exceptions

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